MagLED high-pitched noise?


Sep 7, 2008
St. Louis, MO
i got a 2d MagLED for christmas, and its great except for one thing... It makes this very high pitch noise that drives me insane! its close to 16000 hz, i also have a 3d magled, which is completely silent. anyone else notice this noise?
None of mine makes any sort of noise. I'd say if it's bothering you, call Maglite, and I bet they'd probably have you send it in for warranty repair/replacement.
That's a new one. Didn't know the 2 Cell MagLED could make a noise. I do recall reading people saying that the 2 cell TerraLux Mag drop in also made a noise...hmmm
well, at 15 i can still hear this noise, and it bugs me a lot. also mine was making the noise out of the box, with new duracells. the noise also gets higher and higher as you use it.
i got a 2D LED couple weeks ago and i noticed it too. i thought it was coming more from the switch. The pitch seems intermittent.
I've only noticed that type of noise on a 2AA minimag with 1 watt Nite-ize upgrade/ IQ switch. For other reasons as well, I put the original tailcap back on the light and the noise is gone. It makes me think that it's definitely a switch problem.
i thought it was the switch at first, but i transfered the dropin to a different 2d, and now when i press the switch its just coming from the LED.