Maglite 2D upgrade


Newly Enlightened
Apr 11, 2007
Damon, Tx
Is the maglite brand upgrade still the best choice for upgrading a 2D? I don't think I want to spend $75 on a malkoff device, although it's reputation is great. Would the maglite upgrade or the terralux tle-6exb upgrade be brighter?:shrug: Any other options for less than $40?
Couple things to think about:

1)The TLE-6EXB is best used on 3 cells. The performance will be ok on two cells, but significantly less than on 3.

2)The Mag OEM dropin will be dimmer than the Terralux

3)The Mag OEM dropin is also on sale at may Targets across the nation. If you check your local Target (if you have one), it might be on sale for $14 or less. This may give it the best "bang for the buck" ratio at the moment.

Target clearance sales discussion thread for details:
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The TLE-6EXB that I have is brighter in a 2-cell than my 2-cell Magleds.I think the TLE-6EXB has better beam quality as well.The Magleds are still decent though and may be better suited for long runs because of the heat management.Magleds can also be found on the cheap,the last two I purchased were $13.98 on clearance at Target.
The TLE-6EXB is supposed to perform the best with 3 cells as opposed two 2.I use Energizer lithiums w/AA to D adapters so that probably helps the performance as they provide a bit more volts than alkalines.You also might be able to stuff 3C cells in your 2D but I have never tried that.
The TLE-6EXB (terralux), is brighter than the magLED but is at it's best on 3 cells or 4.5V. Also the TLE-6EXB doesn't run as hot as the magLED and doesn't dim as much as the temperature gets higher. The magLED drop to 50% of it's original output within the first 5-10 minutes. The terralux also dims some, but not nearly as much. It's worth the extra $10 in my opinion.
I bought a NiteIze 2-4 C/D cell 'drop-in' for $6 at Target. I put it in mt Mil Surp MX-993/U, a right angle headed 2D cell OD flashlight made by 'Fulton'. I bought this thing years ago since it reminded me of the similar MX-993/U grey flashlights, also made by Fulton, which we had on the sub tender I was on '69-'72 - the USS Fulton (AS-11) - yeah, hokey reason. BrightStar as a maker is also common.

Anyway - turning the flashlight on with the drop-in in place seems to make the room darker. Seriously wimpy flashlight. I checked the D cells: 1.46-1.47V. Brighter with new cells (1.61V), large & relatively flat (especially compared to the original incandescent bulb's small brighter spot) - with a minor central spot - but still, overall dim. In fact, a 2D MagLite LED drop-in, which wouldn't fit appropriately to make contact in the MX-993/U, when in my one 2D MagLite, will produce a slightly larger and brighter central spot than the incandescent cell, with a larger, and about as bright, outer beam than the Nite-Ize drop-in. While nothing like a 3D cell LED MagLite, the 2D cell MagLite drop-in will significantly improve an old 2 D-cell MagLite.

I bought a NiteIze 2-4 C/D cell 'drop-in' for $6 at Target. I put it in mt Mil Surp MX-993/U, a right angle headed 2D cell OD flashlight made by 'Fulton'. I bought this thing years ago since it reminded me of the similar MX-993/U grey flashlights, also made by Fulton, which we had on the sub tender I was on '69-'72 - the USS Fulton (AS-11) - yeah, hokey reason. BrightStar as a maker is also common.

Anyway - turning the flashlight on with the drop-in in place seems to make the room darker. Seriously wimpy flashlight. I checked the D cells: 1.46-1.47V. Brighter with new cells (1.61V), large & relatively flat (especially compared to the original incandescent bulb's small brighter spot) - with a minor central spot - but still, overall dim. In fact, a 2D MagLite LED drop-in, which wouldn't fit appropriately to make contact in the MX-993/U, when in my one 2D MagLite, will produce a slightly larger and brighter central spot than the incandescent cell, with a larger, and about as bright, outer beam than the Nite-Ize drop-in. While nothing like a 3D cell LED MagLite, the 2D cell MagLite drop-in will significantly improve an old 2 D-cell MagLite.


That NiteIze dropin is a little quirky. First off, it's buck only, so it needs 3-6 cells to be decently bright. Secondly, it's only a little 10mm LED, and was never meant to be bright in the first place. It's place in the world is being able to give MEGA LONG runtime, and suck the last drop of juice out of a otherwise dead cell. It will light up for weeks on a single D cell.

It's my go-to bulb for emergencies, since it will run for weeks off a 4D lantern.
Of course, it has to step up the open circuit EMF of two series connected C-Zn (or alkaline) cells, as that's only ~3.2V, while white LEDs are generally 3.3-3.6Vf. It is very 'marginal' at best in a 2D cell application... but, a frugal choice with a long cell-life.

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Great info! I get made fun of by my fiance because she now says she never met anyone so afraid of the dark...I ain't afraid of the dark, I just like to see what I'm working on. At least I know other folks that are bit with the lite bug. Thanks for the beamshot link, IcantC. I think I'll try the terralux for now...hopefully it will suit my needs. Thanks again!