I've got an old 3D cell Maglite, which is near enough indestructible, but also a bit poor compared with even a 2AA cheapy LED lamp from Tesco.
I'm interested in dropping an LED upgrade into it. What's the flavour of the month? I'm in the UK, so I need to find something that can be supplied here, either by a local firm or someone who ships internationally at good rates. If the thing came with a new reflector and lense, that'd be a plus, as the old Mag ones are looking a little tired.
I've got to be honest and say that it needs to be a drop in unit. Whilst I can solder and mess around with power tools in the shed, I'm doing enough other things the hard way!
I'm looking to spend as little as possible, and definately not more than £20. That seems to be the point where I'd be as well off ordering a whole cheap lamp from Dealextreme.
I've got an old 3D cell Maglite, which is near enough indestructible, but also a bit poor compared with even a 2AA cheapy LED lamp from Tesco.
I'm interested in dropping an LED upgrade into it. What's the flavour of the month? I'm in the UK, so I need to find something that can be supplied here, either by a local firm or someone who ships internationally at good rates. If the thing came with a new reflector and lense, that'd be a plus, as the old Mag ones are looking a little tired.
I've got to be honest and say that it needs to be a drop in unit. Whilst I can solder and mess around with power tools in the shed, I'm doing enough other things the hard way!
I'm looking to spend as little as possible, and definately not more than £20. That seems to be the point where I'd be as well off ordering a whole cheap lamp from Dealextreme.