Maha vs LaCrosse charger question


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 18, 2007
Guys, I have a LaCrosse BC-900 with travel bag, C and D adapters and all that and it's unopened with the box.

I was going to sell it because I just read about the meltdowns but before I did, I had a couple of questions.

I do have an eneloop power pack with the c and d adapters too by the way.

Should I sell this and get a Maha instead?

Does the Maha charge both AA and AAA's and is it easy to use?

Should I go with the 8 bay charger instead? I mean, is it the same as the 4 bay just bigger?


The Sanyo bundled with the Eneloop power pack is the NC-MQN06U. It's a pairs charger, but it's also very well made with exceptional fit and finish. It's also essentially a free offering.

The 8 cell Maha chargers only have two modes, charge and refresh. While they're one step up from a basic charger, they lack the MH-C9000's finer charging, analysis and conditioning settings and modes.

Accordingly, I recommend that you keep the Eneloop power pack and add an MH-C9000. That way, you'll be able to take advantage of all the additional features of the MH-C9000 since you'll have the MQN06U for overflow (and travel) duties.
Ok, so sell the LaCrosse and NOT get the 8 bay charger then?

The 8 bay charger is very useful, if you just need to put some energy into a lot of batteries. The 9000 is used when you want more information about you batteries, find old batteries, match capacity etc.
I have both and use the 8 bay charge most of the time.
Well, I need to get rid of stuff as I have a houseful of crap and I really only need ONE charger. I don't do so much stuff that I have to have an 8 bay charger. I was just going for it because it does it all AND takes 8 batteries. However, I have a radio shack charger that does D batteries that I can keep if I have to 'cause I assume the smaller charger doesn't do D batteries?

Not sure if I'm smart enough to get use of the smaller Maha though but it would be good to have something that does everything you just mentioned I guess.
The 8 bay charger is very useful, if you just need to put some energy into a lot of batteries. The 9000 is used when you want more information about you batteries, find old batteries, match capacity etc.
I have both and use the 8 bay charge most of the time.

My set up exactly maha 801D came first and then the eeehem sickness and the C-9000.

If you are going to get one make it the C-9000.
..but the 9000 does the same thing as the LaCrosse does, right?

Not sure what the Lacrosse does but i have the maha 9000 and work like a dream you can charge and discharge at rate you choose, doe cycle charges to get your batteries performing again and it also tells you what MAH your battery are putting out once you Analyse mode.

Its a great charger.
In a very basic sense, yes the La Crosse BC-900 and the Maha MH-C9000 do the same thing: charge AA and AAA nimh and nicad batteries. I use both chargers, but prefer the MH-C9000.

The C9000 has a break-in mode that is very useful for forming new batteries and keeping the in good condition. Also, the C-9000 employs a rest period between charge and discharge that results in what I consider a more accurate method of measuring battery capacity. The C9000 cell bays are spaced apart more than the BC-900 allowing better convection cooling of the batteries as they charge and discharge. Also, the C-9000 will operate off of an external 12VDC power supply.

Link to MH-C9000 manual:

Link to BC-900 manual:
Thanks everyone except digitor, I'm gonna hafta talk to his mom about his behavior :nana:
..and of course, I have no idea if mine's good or bad but I'm trying to establish if a Maha is a better choice 'cause if so, now's a good time to switch, while mine is still unused and all that.
I personally like the La Crosse. I think this charger is good. The meltdowns probably resulted by the ac adapter. I can't really say about the maha c9000 as I never owned one. I know its a good charger but the la crosse is more flexible. If it wasn't it for the meltdowns the maha would of have a good competitor.

I know what you guys thinking that I am probably crazy for continuing to use this charger. But the fact is that I owned both of these chargers and not both have failed on me.

I just hope the melting problem gets resolved and gets put back on stock.

With that being said I still prefer the la crosse over the maha.
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Huh, I use both the BC-900 and the C-9000 and I consider the Maha C-9000 more flexible. The only exception, I think, is the fact that the C-9000 will reject cells with excessively high internal resistance where the BC-900 will charge them without complaint. Of course, this is a good thing. If the internal resistance is so high the the C-9000 rejects it, it's time to recycle the cell anyway.
My impression is that people really love their LaCrosse chargers unless/until they have a meltdown or some other failure.

I've charged dozens of cells with my LaCrosse problems...I still love the little charger.

[holding my index finger over my mouth] Shhhhhhhh...

Don't let my BC-900 know, I love my Maha MH-C9000 charger more.

Kidding aside, I tend to use the C9000 for AA cells and the BC-900 (and BC-700) for charging AAA cells.
Well, I guess I'll keep it 'cause frankly, I don't have the brains or knowledge to know when the hell to use all the features. Thanks all

I personally like the La Crosse

So you keep saying, again and again :crackup:
I can't really say about the maha c9000 as I never owned one.
But the fact is that I owned both of these chargers and not both have failed on me.
Huh? I'm not quite sure what you're saying here?

With that being said I still prefer the la crosse over the maha.

But as you said above
I can't really say about the maha c9000 as I never owned one.
So what do you base this conclusion on? :crackup::crackup::crackup:

So you keep saying, again and again :crackup:

Huh? I'm not quite sure what you're saying here?

But as you said above
So what do you base this conclusion on? :crackup::crackup::crackup:


Basically he's in love with La Crosse and he disses the Maha based on speculation from internet reviews. He also loves repeating posts, over and over and over... :poof: