Malkoff Mag-Lite XP-G LED (2-3 D vs 4-5-6 D)?


Newly Enlightened
Jun 28, 2008
I'm still very much a newby in flashlight tech and it's been a while since I posted here, so apologize if this has already been discussed or assumed knowledge.........With that said;

Do the new Malkoff XP-G led (2-3 D & 4-5-6 D) dropins produce the same exact 260 lumen output? Meaning will a 2D be just as bright as a 6D with the appropriate dropin?

I am assuming yes, and that the only difference will be the the differing runtime lengths depending on how many cells are used.

I appreciate any help or info yall can give me!
...your assumption is correct; higher voltage, closer to its stated lumen opinion, in use the effect is marginal; what isn't marginal is the increase in runtime you get using it with more batteries...i use mine in a 2d even though i got a 3d mag; if there was a need for longer runtime only then would i change it over...otherwise i prefer the smaller package of the 2d mag...

but i think your biggest issue is; can you even buy gotta be lucky when they come available as they sell out FAST...
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Just sign up for his news letter and you get an auto email the second he has any available. This is what I do and I always seem to get the drop-in I want. No need to check his website randomly, sign up on his web page its free tooo.

Oh; and they make 300ish OTF lumens on turn-on, but 260 is the very warm reading.

To get the full output on eighter combo mentioned you need to use it at its highest voltage input.

The 2~3D drop-in will be brighter in 3D
The 4-5-6 D drop-in will be higher in 6D

My personal favorate would be to purchase the 2~3D drop-in because in a 2D Mag you can stuff 3 NiMH C cells for full output in a 2D size. When need be you can also use 2D Alkalines.

Basically the lower the voltage, the lower the drive current for these drop-ins, which translates to lower output. Use with the most batteries possible to maximize brightness.
I have compared Malkoff XP-G 2-3 dropins in as well C and D versions. I tried 2-3C dropin in my customized C for 1xCR123 cell and a 2C. I found the brightness be the same with 2,4V and 3V. Using the D dropin in a 3D (3,6V) was slightly brighter.
Earlier I ordered the predecessor P4 4-6C to be used in the 2C with 3xCR123 cells. There is hardly now reason with the XP-G dropin; it's brighter at 2,4V than P4 at 9V!

Regards, Patric
I have compared Malkoff XP-G 2-3 dropins in as well C and D versions. I tried 2-3C dropin in my customized C for 1xCR123 cell and a 2C. I found the brightness be the same with 2,4V and 3V. Using the D dropin in a 3D (3,6V) was slightly brighter.
Earlier I ordered the predecessor P4 4-6C to be used in the 2C with 3xCR123 cells. There is hardly now reason with the XP-G dropin; it's brighter at 2,4V than P4 at 9V!

Regards, Patric

I was thinking of purchasing the 4-5-6 C cell Malkoff XP-G drop-in and run it in a 2C Mag with 2 18650 cells. I figured more voltage, but I like the D size heatsinks better. I know in P7 builds the Mag D size heatsink may be an advantage, but interstingly you saw more light with the XP-G too.
I was thinking of purchasing the 4-5-6 C cell Malkoff XP-G drop-in and run it in a 2C Mag with 2 18650 cells. I figured more voltage, but I like the D size heatsinks better. I know in P7 builds the Mag D size heatsink may be an advantage, but interstingly you saw more light with the XP-G too.

Actually the size of the heatsink is something I earlier thought could be to the advantage of D-cell body. But maybe I expressed myself misleading; I have not tried XP-G dropin in a 3C. I think the brightness with a 3C is the same as in a 3D, but under continious run the question is if D size will gain? I don't know.
However, using a 2C with two 18650 and 4-6 C cell Malkoff XP-G dropin I think the increase of brightness will be moderate compared to a 2-3 C XP-G to two C-cells, and not much better runtime. I guess the true gain of 4-6C/D cell dropin is when using with 4-6C/D standard cells, for better runtime.

Regards, Patric
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The 2~3D drop-in will be brighter in 3D & The 4-5-6 D drop-in will be higher in 6D
Never knew that.......I thought using the max cells allowed for the dropin would only provide longer runtime not actually increase the light output.

Does the same hold true for adding another cell via A19 on the M60 in my 6P?