Malkoff P7 w/6P host video vs. M60 New video and run time #13


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2008
Prunedale, CA
I used a picture camera since I don't own a video camera yet, but I hope I didn't mess it up too much. This weekend I plan on getting an HD video camera from my brothers house to do a better video for all you to see. In the backyard view the P7 light up the whole backyard all the way to the fence, but in the video it didn't appear like the P7 hit the fence when it did. Thus, I will get a better camera to do this drop-ins justice.

Thank you all for teaching me a great deal about lights and Gene for making me the awesome P7.

Thanks for watching,

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Re: Malkoff P7 w/6P host video vs. M60

I'd like to know the same thing as I don't believe the Malkoff Website has them listed? :thinking:
Re: Malkoff P7 w/6P host video vs. M60

i think he make's these to request, at a guess if he was going to make P60/P7 drop-ins full time they would have to regulated, with a much better beam to stay in keeping with his high quality of work he sell's.
but i look forward to see a regulated version from Gene
you can make one, i did and if i can make one anyone can for a bit of fun
happy new year DocD
Re: Malkoff P7 w/6P host video vs. M60

thanks for sharing!!! You might also want to post this to the P60-sticky at the top of the page. That way it does not fall to the bottom and get lost.
Re: Malkoff P7 w/6P host video vs. M60

is there any X donut with the p7? the beamshot looks great.

i was rewatching the video to try to guess the car. lexus es?
Re: Malkoff P7 w/6P host video vs. M60

Hey Bigchelis thanks for posting these videos.
What's the runtime like on the P7?
Re: Malkoff P7 w/6P host video vs. M60

is there any X donut with the p7? the beamshot looks great.

i was rewatching the video to try to guess the car. lexus es?

Close, Its a Lexus GS430.

The runtime on the protected Trustfire Cell test I did was 40 minutes with no noticeable drop in output. Next, I will do the test with a volt meter to make sure I don't over discharge the cell (even if its protected).

Gene said it would be good for a true 600 to 700 lumens and all flood. His estimation seems to be spot on.:thumbsup:He also mentioned that the P7 will draw 2.5A to 2.8A but at 3.6v if I used different voltage setups it would draw only 1.5A to 2.A which would be good for less lumens with longer runtimes. He made it for a single 18650 in mind and anything more willl fry it.

The P7 drop-ins are not on his website, Gene makes them upon request if you ask nicely:twothumbs
Re: Malkoff P7 w/6P host video vs. M60

After you asked him nicely, and he agreed to make you one, how much did he charge you?
Re: Malkoff P7 w/6P host video vs. M60

maybe it's just me but the p7 looks a lot like my p60lf. any idea on runtime?
NEW Video and runtime.

First the runtime I got with the Trustfire 2500mAh protected cell. Overall I ran it for exactly 2 hours:eek:.

1. for the first hour I didn't notice any drop in output.
2. from 1:05 to about 1:30 it dropped slightly, but way brighter then the M60.
3. then at 1:45 it dropped to what a Q5 with tons of flood looks like.
4. Then from 1:51 to 2 hour mark it dropped drastically to about what my M60LLf looks like. I just stopped here and charged my cell.

I didn't expect it to keep going and going and going, it was a pleasant surprise.:twothumbs:twothumbs:twothumbs:twothumbs
Now, another video with a actual video camera, not my picture camera.

I didn't even know Gene was making these. With the caveat that as you say, "you ask nicely". Do you happen to own a DMM? I was asking because getting 1.75 hours runtime means you are nowhere near 2.8 amps max output. Even if Trustfire's didn't have the overly optimistic rep, that's only a little over 1,400 ma output. About half what it could be. Or put another way as an estimate from SSC's P7 pdf, only about 400 lumens instead of 700.

Have you seen AW's new IMR18650's? The lower internal resistance of these means a higher output than a standard Li-Ion. Lighthound is selling these for a little over 10 bucks. Even though they have no protection circuit, AW says minimum voltage level should be above 2.5 volts. Since a P7 is barely glowing at that level, in a practical sense, it would be impossible to over discharge even a unprotected cell.
I didn't even know Gene was making these. With the caveat that as you say, "you ask nicely". Do you happen to own a DMM? I was asking because getting 1.75 hours runtime means you are nowhere near 2.8 amps max output. Even if Trustfire's didn't have the overly optimistic rep, that's only a little over 1,400 ma output. About half what it could be. Or put another way as an estimate from SSC's P7 pdf, only about 400 lumens instead of 700.

On a fresh AW18650 protected cell @ 4.2 volts Gene's drop-in pulls 2.9 amps. :rock:
Thanks big chelis for posting these vids, and letting me play around with it the other day. Thats a great drop in you've got there. If Gene wanted to he could sell them like hotcakes. Its like carrying around a 120W soft-white bulb. I agree completely with your wall of light assessment.:twothumbs
On a fresh AW18650 protected cell @ 4.2 volts Gene's drop-in pulls 2.9 amps. :rock:

Voltage drop off extending the runtime makes sense. Do you get 2 hours from an AW cell?

I remember when those Ultrafire WF500 and G&P R500 incans came out people were complaining they wouldn't work with Ultrafire 18650's. Only AW's black cells would work. That's roughly the same amount of current as a P7 Malkoff but with only 1 cell. If it's not tripping the protection circuit in his Trustfire, perhaps he does have a battery problem:confused:

In his last video he says the M60 reaches the trees better. Even if over a much smaller area. It didn't seem likely an M60 could out throw a P7. I wanted to suggest he might benefit from trying a different battery.