Man this hobby is a disease :)


Jan 6, 2007
I have a dilemma... I bought and sold a SF G2. Then I got a 9P, was going to buy the 6P and a extender. But ended up with the 9P. I really love this light, it fits comfortable in my hand, especially with gloves.
Now to my dilemma, just the other day I got this strong urge to get a new led light, I thought about it and felt that I needed a 6P. I dont know why, I have the 9P and the 6P is almost the exakt same light. But I want the 6P to be a led light, so theres the new 6PL.
I like the 9P as it is, as an incan light, more output than 6P. Want to get a really high output led drop in for it (malkoff). But I also want a smaller light (6P) just as an led light, the runtime of the new 6PL is very nice.

Should I buy a 6PL, or a regular 6P and get a drop in led? I want one that got about the same runtime as the 6PL, I save the higher output for the 9P with malkoff drop in.

Then theres this thoughts... Maybe I should get a led light with really high and low mode, and forward clicky. That light dosent exist now so then I would have to wait untill there is such a light...

Please give me some advice to this big problem... :thinking: :)
Avoid Redundancy !

Keep the 9P as the best INCAN and get a FENIX P3D REBEL 100!

You`ll be in the Mental Hospital by the time the MALKOFF p60 dropin

becomes available.... :devil:

What he said ^ It looks like you've gotten a good start with the Surefires, so branching out into other brands might be a good idea. If your heart is set on a 6PL, you could wait until SF releases the P60L emitter assembly on it's own and slap it in your G2.
I'll have to agree with AWGD8, if possible, avoid getting another such similar light. After all, viva la difference! Might I suggest that you have a look at this beauty:

Very bright, uses an upgradeable P60 type module, has a forward clicky, and the 2 stage model (recommended because it keeps the forward clicky active) has a nice low mode as well. An excellent foray into the world of LED lights.

The Wolf-Eyes series of lights also feature a forward clicky and multiple levels, with upgradeable modules. So, lots of choices. Happy hunting.
Actually, I sold the G2.....

Hmm! I must say, the deerelight looks nice! Thanks for suggesting that one! In fact the futures on that are exactly what I was looking for! Forward clicky, batt tube that allows 18650 batt, RCR123 and regular, and the fact that it takes P60 modules! Oh the two stage was also a must! I didnt think there was a light avalible yet that had all my requirements! I could get the malkoff now, and use it in this and my 9P, and I dont have to buy the 6P. Will look into this light some more, seems very interesting! If someone here has it, dont hold back on feedback!
A disease suggests the need or desire of a cure.

We have no use for a cure.
Our wives and wallets may insist otherwise however.
It's not the flashlight hobby which is a disease . . . .

It's reading about all the wonderful new lights on CandlePowerForums !

Just keep telling yer'self: "i already have a flashlight !"

And then stay away from any website which begins with www. :wave:

(repeat as needed)

simple, eh ?

I'll have to agree with AWGD8, if possible, avoid getting another such similar light. After all, viva la difference! Might I suggest that you have a look at this beauty:

Very bright, uses an upgradeable P60 type module, has a forward clicky, and the 2 stage model (recommended because it keeps the forward clicky active) has a nice low mode as well. An excellent foray into the world of LED lights.

The Wolf-Eyes series of lights also feature a forward clicky and multiple levels, with upgradeable modules. So, lots of choices. Happy hunting.

And you convert both back to incandescents with a Surefire/Lumensfactory/wolf-eyes bulb of your liking!
I just bought the dereelight! Its meets all my demands I initaially had on a light when I first joined here!
I really hope I will be satisfyed with it!
Justt to let you know that if you get the 6pl at this stage it looks like you can put the p60L in the 9p if you want to :)

It won't be as bright as your 9p, but runtime will be great :)

Putting a WTB for a 6p and getting a malkoff would be another option. I am not sure if Gene's drop in works with 9 vaults, but if it does you can still use the p60 or p90 LA etc in the other light...

Just my 2 cents
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