Maratac AAA Q5

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Newly Enlightened
Jun 30, 2009
County Comm just released a new Maratac AAA flashlight. Claims to be the worlds smallest AAA flashlight and come with a Q5 LED, glass lens, removable pocket clip, and a lanyard hole. Only $21.75+ tax...


What do you think??
Re: County Comm Maratac AAA Q5

Thanks for the heads up, magnet! I have just been thinking of getting a Fenix LD01 but this looks very interesting. Granted not as bright as the LD01 but half the price and a little smaller too! Thing is, they don't really show the UI.
Re: County Comm Maratac AAA Q5

1.5 lm for 50 hrs, now that's a low mode!:twothumbs
Granted not as bright as the LD01 but half the price and a little smaller too!
I don't know if it's not as bright as a LD01, that could be a lumen reading on AAA alkaline, which I gather the LD01 doesn't do full output with anyhow.
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Re: County Comm Maratac AAA Q5

No problem.. I'm new here but have been lurking for awhile. I happen to have County Comm on my youtube subscriptions and they put up the video today, so I figured I may as well pass on the info..

Bad thing is that the shipping is a standard $8 for the CC purchase so you may be like me and get pulled into picking some other stuff up at the same time.. lol
Re: County Comm Maratac AAA Q5

If someone in the states is picking up a few items, mind picking up one of these for me in Natural?

Re: County Comm Maratac AAA Q5

Two questions once somebody has one of these:
  • Can it run on 10440?
  • Is it thread-compatible with the LD01 & Streamlight MS/SP heads? (Currently running my LD01 head on my Stylus Pro 2xAAA body & it's great, but the 'low' is way too high.) The heads may not be interchangeable, but perhaps someone can check. Just a thought.
Re: County Comm Maratac AAA Q5

Bad thing is that the shipping is a standard $8 for the CC purchase so you may be like me and get pulled into picking some other stuff up at the same time.. lol

You nailed it. Every time I want one thing from them I end up getting three or four. Might do it again. This little light looks interesting. Thanks for the tip, magnet, and welcome to CPF.

Maratac AAA Q5 Flashlight

Looks like a new light on County Comm's site. The video compares it in size to a Fenix L0D, the Maratac is significantly smaller.

Minimalist lights like the EZAA and the SF T1A seem to be on the rise with smaller electronics and more efficient emitters.

The last thing I need is another AAA light. I need to hide my PayPal security key...
Re: Maratac AAA Q5 Flashlight

WTF, no link?!!


..and obligatory pic. :D


Hmmm, $21.75USD. :eek:oo:

*edit* I was thinking AA. not bad specs for AAA
That's going to be a great deal for someone on a budget.
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Re: Maratac AAA Q5 Flashlight

WTF, no link?!!

After reading the red text on the forum masthead I was hesitant to even post news of a new non-Surefire light, much less provide a link and a price.

Usual disclaimers apply.:)
Re: Maratac AAA Q5 Flashlight

Looks good. But I think I'd stick to my LF2XT or LD01 SS. Not too keen on another twisty.
Re: Maratac AAA Q5 Flashlight

WTF, no link?!!


..and obligatory pic. :D


Hmmm, $21.75USD. :eek:oo:

*edit* I was thinking AA. not bad specs for AAA
That's going to be a great deal for someone on a budget.
Add $8 UPS shipping to that up to $50 purchase then shipping goes to $10... and so on.
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Re: Maratac AAA Q5 Flashlight

Thanks for posting this!

It looks like a Fenix LD01 with a big pro: the low level! Of course I think it's still too much (my LF2XT at lowest level is around 0.5 lumen and I would like it a little bit lower but is anyway a very nice low low ).
Re: County Comm Maratac AAA Q5

Of course... problem is now I want it.. there is always something else..
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