Maratac AAA vs. ITP A3 EOS


Newly Enlightened
Feb 23, 2010
So i've been researching my next purchase (AAA light). Just trying to make sure I understand the differences between these two lights.
It appears that the Maratac has the ability to tailstand and more grippy cross hatch knurling.
The ITP has a dedicated knob thingy on the rear for a lanyard.:tired:

I don't think i'd use a lanyard and i do sometimes tailstand, so should I just go with the Maratac? Thanks a bunch in advance gang!
I only have the A3 so can't comment on the Maratac. These lights are so small I can't imagine the usefulness of tailstanding anyway.

I primarily use mine because of the ability to wear it hands-free around the neck so I'm biased in that regard.

I have the upgraded version of the A3 so it has 3 modes but I would guess that's an option with Maratac as well.

It sounds like you have looked into this and have made an informed decision so I don't have much more to ad.
I made the mistake of getting the iTP when I should have gotten the Maratac. I don't care how small a light is, tailstanding can be very useful and not to mention the iTP is way too slick due to no knurling. That little knob thingy is way too tiny to put a decent split ring on it and the one it came with is crap.

The Maratac is more due to shipping costs, but County Comm does have a lot of cool stuff that'll make the cost of shipping worth paying.
I have both (the entire collection) and I'd go for the Maratac always.

Not only a much better grip, as you've pointed out but also a smoother twist action and the tailstanding ability is great when you use it at home (i.e. as night stand light when you don't want to bother sleeping children/wife and need a soft ambiance light while moving around).

The lanyard ring is very useful as anti-roll system in case you don't want to add the clip, as in my case, and let me attach a big trit to locate the flashlight in darkness.

The new Maratac Cu has set the mode sequence to low-mid-high wich is even better, IMO, for indoor activities.

This is the SS version that I'm EDCing the last few months

I have the Maratac and ITP both in stainless, and I prefer the Maratac. Tailstanding is important to me, I use that way everyday. I actually filed off the lug on my ITP so I could do so with it.
The thing I don't like about these is the clip, I wish it were more secure.
I strictly pocket carry these after almost losing my Maratac.
If you do want to carry it as a keychain light, you probably want the itp. A centered nub for the chain is going to feel a lot better than the Maratac which is attached at the side (which is off balance).

This is what I was told by someone who has carried both of them. Also consider that the maratac is more likely to damage your clothes with its higher grippiness. I like the itp in that it is nice and smooth and doesn't come on in my pocket. Its not THAT hard to grab it and turn it, even with its relatively low grip.

Based on your use-case though, it sounds like the maratac is superior for you.
+1 on the Maratac. I have the SS version. The reasons I got Maratac were
1: I wanted a statin stainless
2: I liked the Knurling
3: I had no intention of EDC on a key chain.

Getting the light I really liked & wanted was worth the extra shipping, IMO.
In stainless I prefer the Maratac, but for aluminum I like the featherweight feel of the iTP and it's one of my favorite giveaway lights, with an added bonus of multiple colors.
I have the A3 in red. I really like the look of the anodized red.
The pocket clip is nice touch on the A3.

I miss the knurling of the Mini Quarks (I don't have a Maratac) on the A3.
The tailstanding isn't important to me so I won't miss it on the A3.

The lanyard option is my preferred method of carry.
I would get the Maratac if I had to choose between the two.
I just bought the iTP the other day. Can't wait. I think based on what I've heard, they will both fit your needs well. Other than the tailstanding which has been mentioned over and over. You could probably find the iTP for a little cheaper. Mine was $20.50 at The maratac is $1.25 more. Not that its much of a difference. It all comes down to preference.
I too, like the looks of the different colors ITP offers. But IIRC, the colored versions are only Type II anodizing, not the standard type III HA like most other lights. I was afraid that the type II would be like the blue anodizing on my Leatherman squirt which has worn off considerably after alot of pocket carrying with keys and change.
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I doubt they'll take the punishment that HA will, but the ones my friends are carrying in light duty seem to be holding up well enough, and most definitely better than any Maglite!
iTP EOS A3 on my wife's keychain, in the hideous purple/pinkish color. The type II finish is wearing a little, but not bad after 6 months of dangling among her 50,000 keys.

I've heard that you can super glue a fat O-ring with a small inner diameter over the keychain nub to achieve tail stand capability without resorting to file/dremel/lathe treatment.

I have never even noticed the knurling issue, and find that the iTP has more than enough surface grip for one handed use. The tiny size is FAR more of a factor regarding the one handed twisty operation than surface knurling.
Thanks so much everybody!

I went ahead and took the plunge on the Maratac AAA, along with a whole bunch of other stuff from CC...

(gotta make the shipping worth it, even though i practically live right down the freakin' street from 'em...)

From everything you've told me, i'm sure I'll love it! Thanks again!
I have had four Maratacs, including one Rev 2, and found that the thickness of the aluminum in the head cap varies somewhat from light to light, depending on date of purchase. However, all of the Maratacs are of a thicker wall in the head than the ITP A3 (latest 96 Ln upgrade) which I recently bought. I think the Maratac is better built, and their customer service is just great. But I am using the ITP because it has L/M/H switching, and that makes up for a lot of ills. Like the keychain tit, which if unremoved prevents tailstanding (a must), and, if the tit is removed, the inability to easily install a neck cord (another must). BTW, carrying your EDC around your neck means that it is always treated gently, and it isn't subjected to blows (hopefully) which could distort that thin-walled cap. I solved my gripes with the ITP by grinding off the tit and tightly wrapping a couple of turns of light cord around the bottom of the light, just above the flange, and knotting it before taking the remaining long ends to create a loop for the neck. I was careful to locate the knot in the neck loop away from where it wouldn't rub against my neck. I wicked some thin superglue on both knots to make them fast, and wrapped a couple of turns of fabric-backed tape (sticky 500mph tape) around the base to save my teeth, which seem to spend a lot of time holding this light, leaving my hands free. It may be just right for me now. And the $19.95 price shipped from Amazon was just gravy.
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