Am I the only mason on CPF?
Any other brothers here?

***Answer a widows son**** :whistle:

I must say that you never even remotely struck me as a Mason.

Maybe a mason, but not a Mason.
There is a Masonic home right around the corner from my house. It's where Masons, and their relatives are able to live. When I was a kid, there were a bunch of students at my schools (the home is right across the street from my elementary school) that lived there. I didn't really know what it was back then, though. They all lived in dorms. I think their parents were travelers or something like that, and the home was a place for them to live, so they could attend school. There are also adult dorms there and senior apartments. It's also where the local voting poll is. It's a pretty big and nice place, so I imagine them Masons have loads of money.
So is that 'cutting' thing for real?

My father-in-law was sworn in as a US citizen a couple years ago at the Masonic Temple on California Street in SF... Close as I got.
