MaxaBeam vs. the Moon


Oct 31, 2006
Borg cube #51
MaxaBeam vs. the Moon

I took some beamshots last week with the MaxaBeam, but all except one were blurred as there was a fairly strong wind and I have a POC flimsy tripod. I went out again last night. There was no wind, but conditions were no longer ideal because of the Moon – it wasn't as dark as I would have liked.

First, to set the scene, here is the area as seen on Google Earth - vertical and oblique shots, with actual distances to trees etc marked in. The distances were measured on GE and double-checked on the ground using a rangefinder.

Vertical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oblique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Here is a daylight reference shot of what this area actually looks like on the ground, with the same distances marked in.


Here is a zoom of the central part. For these MaxaBeam beamshots, please note the small tree at 505 yards and the bare tree-trunk at 910 yards.


Now here is the MB almost setting fire to that small tree 505 yards away.


And here it is reaching parts where moonlight doesn't reach, 910 yards away. The zoom shot, below, clearly shows that bare tree trunk.


Now THAT is a great place for beamshots. A great place for anything, for that matter. I do not believe I have ever seen a place as sweet and green :thumbsup: .
DM, did you ever do any comparison shots with your SuperNova?
Yes, I did, but the shots taken with it on both occasions were very disappointing - not nearly as good as it actually looked on the ground.

I didn't think it was fair on the SN to include those shots here - I'll try to do some more at some point, at different exposures, but I may now have to wait until the end of this lunar cycle (or an overcast night).

The tree at 505 yds was lit adequately by the SuperNova, and the next tree out, at 720 yds, could be seen (but wasn't well illuminated).

Unfortunately for the SN, I think the MB really is that good - it just blows the SN away. If the SN could only focus its beam tighter, it would give the MB some competition.
Wow, those are cool beamshots. I always thought the MaxaBeam (I did not know what it was called back then) was the coolest light made, ever since I first saw it watching La Fem Nikita (the series, not the movie) on TV. Thanks for posting them!
I believe I just may be cryin'g in my beer after these great shots....and after missing that Maxa Beam sell! At least one of the good guys got it---Patriot36 and for that I am grateful!:) Now, on with our quest to get one of these!!

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Given the thread title, I was expecting to see a spot on the dark side of the moon.

Nice shots taken in a beautiful area. I am looking forward to seeing a Maxabeam in person.

It would be interesting to see some other throwers included for comparison. Too bad we did not have a Maxabeam at the last shoot out.

What is the latitude and longitude of this location? I enjoy taking virtual trips via Google Earth.
Awesome shots David. I'm always so impressed with the performance of the MB and I'm going to take this post as "good move" confirmation regarding my recent purchase. I don't know where you're at, but that terrain is so lush and green. That's a neat place you've got there and I really like how you threaded the needle to the 910 yard marker. Great exposures.

Thanks to Lux for helping to persuade me to pull the trigger on the MB package last night and to Karl and the rest for making me feel confident about it afterwards. I spoke with the seller today and should have it before the weekend. :)
Well, I've got a pretty fair telescope Paul and, I'm just a ways East of you here in NE Pa so, I'll send ya my coordinates and you let me knw when you'll be shining it in my direction!:D

wow that's an amazing light, I messed around with Photongun's supernova at a Sydney meet some time ago and was under the pretence that it was exactly the same as a Maxabeam only a clone.
I thought it was incredible but now hearing that the Maxabeam outpunches it I'm amazed to think what it is like in real life
DM51 - Great shots and CONGRATS on an amazing light! :wow:

Patriot36 - CONGRATS to you as well on an awesome grab. :twothumbs
Thanks for all the kind comments, guys. I had no idea the moonshot one would come out as well as that - it was lucky.

And get this: I have only just realised, thinking about it, that I completely forgot the setting, and these pics were all taken with the MaxaBeam on the low power setting - it wasn't even using high power!! LOL!
After hearing from Bob that it is perfectly fine to run the bulb on high continuously, I wish there was a way to program toggle to put it into high mode for longer than 30 sec.

Really great shots here!
Thanks Karl and Seery. I'm excited to get my hands on it. And Karl just give me the coordinates and I'll shine it to your bearing. :nana:

David, that little cloud that was covering the moon turned out to be perfect. It gave you a slight shadow for your exposure. If you planned that one I'm even more impressed! :)
And get this: I have only just realised, thinking about it, that I completely forgot the setting, and these pics were all taken with the MaxaBeam on the low power setting - it wasn't even using high power!! LOL!

Aww..... Now you have to go back, and get more pics. :D
O.K.. you've got me scared. Those shots from 1500' away weren't even on high power??? EEK!!!

The pic from 910 yards away is quite spooky. Too bad Maxabeams sell for $2000 or I might pick one up.(In my dreams,maybe..)
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