MaxFlex lowest drive current


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2002
Hi. search did not help me, I hope someone using MaxFlex can help.
I am not sure on the minimum drive current possible.

In the description, there are some lines about how to set the output higher (350-500-700-... mA), but nothing deals with setting it to low.
I have asked at taskled if I can set a lower output and the answer was that minimum drive current is 50 mA
(which were a bit too high, but OK, better than 350)
but reading the setup data again and again, I never come to the part dealing with lowering output.

Anyone has MaxFlex running and can give help?

(setup will be 2 18500s with an MC-E. If possible low - med - high as levels,
with an initial 350 mA, ... too bright imho)
The Maxflex has 5 levels of light output in each current table. There is no user adjustable setting to lower the current other than the current table you have already read about.

So from what George said I guess level 1 is 50ma, though I'm not sure if it's 50ma on level one with all current tables. Why don't you just as George?? He replies to E-mails almost instantly!

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