MC-E with Fraen 34mm reflector - anyone with beamshots/info??


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 30, 2004
Long Island, NY
Pretty much what the title says. Searching here, and around the web hasn't provided anything in terms of showing, or describing the beam produced by this combination.

Can anyone shed some light (harr harr) regarding this?
Thanks, Mudman! No wonder searching didn't pick it up.

Granted, the reflector's description is "narrow beam", but I didn't expect that tight of a spot. Looks like it might have a bit of throw! Not detecting any cross, or void issues in that pic either. Looks quite nice so far. Hope it has lots of flood too.

Though I'd like to see more beamshots if anyone has them, that's a great start. Also interested in direct comparisons between this, and the Ledil MC-E 20mm in order to compare the throw/flood ratio. Should be interesting as the Ledil is 14mm smaller in diameter, yet is rated at an even narrower 10 degrees!
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Hmm.......I have a few of the Fraen 34mm and the beam I see looks nothing like the ones pictured in either thread. In my experiece you still get a donut hole in the middle with the fraen.

Hmm.......I have a few of the Fraen 34mm and the beam I see looks nothing like the ones pictured in either thread. In my experiece you still get a donut hole in the middle with the fraen.


Mac, I don't see any donut or dark spot with my Fraen reflector. The pattern looks just like Ifor's picture. A very tight spot (consider it's from a MC-E), with some side spill.

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