Mega Reflector Shootout- Updated 9/7/09 (New Info Added)


Nov 5, 2005
Shootout - General Background

I have been wanting to do this for a long time since I have at least 50-75 different reflectors.

This thread will grow, but first post is using a Mag85 and about 25-30 reflectors.

All shots were taken with AWB (since there is only one bulb/light source--i.e. I'm not comparing various bulb colors) 2.5sec F-3.5 ISO-100.

I'm using one of my original FM lights, namely the 3D 3s3p (9 x 17500) so I have a stable charge capacity output. I should do it with a regulated driver, but this will work as these 3p packs are 3300mAh with at least 45 mins run time and a flat output curve.

Anyone can use these pictures however you want.

This is the tray of all the reflectors I tested.

There are a variety of bore openings of standard Mag head reflectors as shown in this (thumbnail) pix. You will see that the bore size makes a difference in bulb appearance.

Litho (Carley) #1==>#7 Reflectors

First sequence is using the Litho (Made by Carley) #1 through 7 series of reflectors with .38" bore for Mag85 bulb.
I always tried to find the brightest possible hotspot that looked good overall and point that at wall, or above the door of white carriage house below. If there were bat-wings visible, or a somewhat flattened beam correlating with the filament, it was turned to they displayed vertically rather than horizontally.

The abbreviations generally used with reflectors and correlating with Litho's numbering system:

  • #1 - SMO (Smooth, Mirror)
  • #2 - LOP (Light Orange Peel)
  • #3 - MOP (Medium Orange Peel)
  • #4 - HOP (Heavy Orange Peel)
  • #5 - LS (Light Stipple--which is a finer, grit-like texture than OP)
  • #6 - MS (Medium Stipple)
  • #7 - HS (Heavy Stipple)
Some of you may not have seen what the surface of reflectors looks like, so I took this shot (thumbnail) to see the light reflection showing the 7 Litho surface textures.

When we talk about "Bat-Wings" and bulb artifacts, this gif composite is a white-wall (thumbnail) shot at 5 feet of the Litho #1==>7 reflectors with optimal hotspot set the same as used in outdoors shot below.

That shows you the Mag85 hotspot, but also gives more of an idea of what is not as visible on the outdoor shots 50 yards away (below). In the interest of saving webpage load times, if you want to see the individual whitewall (600 x 485) shots instead of the gif, you can download them here:

Outdoor Shots:

This First shot uses Litho #1 (SMO) with Mag head intentinally out of focus to accentuate the "BatWing" shadows:

Rest of these thumbs have best hotspot focus selected:

============= ============= ============= ============= =============
============= End of Litho #1-7 Series =============
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FiveMega "Pancake" & Modamag Series
Next up are four of FiveMega's new "pancake" (my term) reflectors which can be used with a sloped screw-on "cam" for stock mag bulb holder stem, or camless as shown below. These also come in a variety of texture coatings and bore sizes (at least I have at least this variety). In addition there are two ModaMag reflectors I got from the Sandwich Shop (I think). :sssh:

Here is the lineup of both sides of these reflectors which again can be better seen in larger image. Note that the ModaMag reflector has a smaller reflector surface area diameter.

Again I took WhiteWall shots at 5 feet with same camera settings as Litho's of these reflectors to show beam pattern artifacts.

If you want to see the individual images instead of the gif, click on these links:
Outdoor Shots (gif at end):


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============ End of FM Pancake & Modamag Section ============
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FM LOP, KD MOP, FM 2" Deep
These two are an old FM Fixed Cam .288" bor LOP & the KD .38" MOP with Removeable Cam with WhiteWall shots. No gif.


Trio of FM 2" Deep Reflectors: FM Ver1 SMO, Ver2 SMO, and Ver2 LOP.


Rotating (thumbnail) GIF of three FM 2" Deep on WhiteWall:

============ ============ ============ ============ ============
============ End of FM-LOP, KD-MOP, & FM 2" Deep ============
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Large Head Reflectors

This final section is using FM 2.5 Turbo, FM 3" VLOP (older style), FM 3" LOP (newer style), Delghi (Carley) 3" MOP .5" bore, Delghi 3" SMO .38" bore, & ModaMag's Colossus 4" MOP .5"


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============ End of Large Heads & Mag85 Post ============
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Re: Mega Reflector Shootout

Great pics !:twothumbs
If people have problem in choosing which kind of reflector finish, they should have a much better idea after looking the above pics.
Thanks for sharing!
Re: Mega Reflector Shootout

You Rock! BTW are you receiving resumes for a side kick :D? Just kidding great work, I have been waiting for this thread.
Re: Mega Reflector Shootout

I echo the other comments - very nice work! A thread like this has been needed for a long time. So many questions about the different reflector types available, but a description can only provide limited help. What people have really needed for a long time is this - a visual representation of the characteristics of each reflector when used in a light.

Thanks for putting together what will be yet another Legendary thread Lux!! :bow::bow:
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Re: Mega Reflector Shootout

Is the Kaidomain 8.3 mm opening OP reflector one of the reflectors that you will be testing?
Re: Mega Reflector Shootout

Great thread!!! Excellent job as well Lux!

BTW, thanks a lot for that T-shirt...

Thanks, and you are very welcome. :wave:

Is the Kaidomain 8.3 mm opening OP reflector one of the reflectors that you will be testing?

If you mean the MOP with ridges and removeable cam design that they stole from FiveMega, yes. It is after I get next FM/MM ones done.
Re: Mega Reflector Shootout- Updated 9/4/09 (New Info Added)

Excellent work, LuxLuthor! I am very impressed by the Litho #7 heavy stippled reflector, as it gives the Mag85 such a perfectly smooth and gorgeous beam.
Re: Mega Reflector Shootout

If you mean the MOP with ridges and removeable cam design that they stole from FiveMega, yes. It is after I get next FM/MM ones done.

Yup, that's the one. I just want to see if the throw of my ROP is normal (although the 1185 has a larger hotspot).
OK, I have all the shots & gifs posted for the Mag85 bulb reflectors. Not sure if this topic is getting enough interest to go through this for multiple bulbs.
No, please keep it going. I wouldn't mind bulbs such as the Osram 62138, though we are talking wide reflector openings.

OK, I have all the shots & gifs posted for the Mag85 bulb reflectors. Not sure if this topic is getting enough interest to go through this for multiple bulbs.
Please continue, at least with the WA1111. I for one am very interested to see how throw is effected by the deep FM reflectors on smaller filament bulbs such as the WA1111. There have been reports of these deep reflectors increasing throw by more than 50% just by switching to the FM 2" reflector!

I can see this thread being referenced endlessly in the future as CPF'rs are putting together their mods and asking questions. Where else is there such a comprehensive real-life representation of every type of reflector produced??

If this doesn't qualify as a sticky in this forum I don't know what does...
But we must hit the law of diminishing returns.

LL has destructively tested 43 different bulbs, and has 23 reflectors in his tray.

If you all keep asking for all the tests to be repeated for just one more bulb, then that's 1058 beamshots and counting...

Really, the line has to be drawn somewhere. Not fair on the man otherwise.
Lux, when do you have time to sleep man? Great thread and something that's been needed for a long time now. :thumbsup:

I'm sort of leaning toward the HOP reflector for outright beam beauty.

Lots more in this thread to study though...........