Minimag LED is quite the lawn mower.. (it died suddenly)

Feb 14, 2006
My exploration crew and I were exploring something. In our three explorer group, we had two flashlights. My friend's cheap Rayovac 2C and my Minimag 2AA LED.

My Minimag ran at full power until the batteries were completely drained. About half way through a crawl space, it flickered a bit, then shut off. , just as a lawn mower would go from full power to sputter to stall when it runs out of fuel.
Allthough the Minimag LEDs seems to be a pretty nice light, it's a common complain that the lights go out without any warning at all when the batteries is drained.
Yep, that's what the 2AA minmag LED does. The 3AAA version has a moon phase, though. Hope you had some spare batteries.
spoonrobot said:
What kind of site was it?

Part of a very large HVAC system. Rooms were built to be part of the system and there are numerous crawlspaces that serves as air ducts. This uneal sized blower moves all the air. How big? A 75 horsepower motor drives a 8-10 feet diameter by 5' width squirrel cage fan.
You wouldn't like to drop your light in the squirrel cage fan.

Nope... Picture's worth a thousand words. You have no idea how big this thing is until you look at it.


The shaft is about 4" in diameter.

The housing... around 11' tall
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HarveyRich said:
Yep, that's what the 2AA minmag LED does. The 3AAA version has a moon phase, though. Hope you had some spare batteries.
Yeah, that's why my 2AA magLED sits in a drawer at home - I don't carry lights without moon modes on me. It's a real shame, since it mars the usefulness of this otherwise decent light.
Handlobraesing said:
My exploration crew and I were exploring something. In our three explorer group, we had two flashlights. My friend's cheap Rayovac 2C and my Minimag 2AA LED.
Bad flashaholic!!
My Fenix P1 also gives about 5 seconds between full brightness and total shutdown using SureFire primaries. I love that regulated brightness, but a little more warning, like even 1 minute, would be nice.
You are a CPF member, and you didnt take a backup light, or 4 ?

No excuse for that what so ever. :whoopin:

A plastic, clamshell AA battery holder like you can get from online battery vendors and sometimes at Fry's is great for carrying a backup set of battery's.
RebelXTNC said:
My Fenix P1 also gives about 5 seconds between full brightness and total shutdown using SureFire primaries. I love that regulated brightness, but a little more warning, like even 1 minute, would be nice.
I wish my P1 was like yours!! I hate the darn moon mode. Mine has like 20min++ of annoying moon mode. That's bad use of the last battery juices IMHO. I wan't 100% ouput or nothing. I carry backups and spares for that....
MayCooper said:
So you're saying you went on an urban axploration trip without backup light?? Thats not exactly the smartest thing to do... I hope you did have some spare batteries with you?

We got by with my friend's Rayovac 2C incan.
Scott Packard said:
Those walk-in air plenums are neat. The refrigerant compressors and radiators, all larger than life.

I haven't seen the refrigeration room yet. The heating is just a radiator, which runs on steam piped from the centralized heating plant.