Mod a River Rock?


Newly Enlightened
Oct 5, 2009
Dayton, OH
Hi everyone. Still a newbie at all of this, so please be gentle...lovecpf

I originally posted this in Custom Builders and Modders - it was suggested I try here instead.

I have a RiverRock 2xAA (the one that is "focusable") that was fine for a while, but it seems that it could be "improved." Has anyone modded one of these? If so, how did it turn out? Difficulty factor? I am fairly handy with tools, but modding a flashlight is a lot different than building a piece of furniture!

I don't need a flamethrower. Just want something more out of this light if it is cost effective.

Thanks in advance - you are a great source of information! :twothumbs
I did a River Rock 2C /lens light mod a while back.
Swapping an XRE in is pretty easy, I used copper pennies
to raise the emitor for better focus, as the RR does not have
adjustable focus.

The stock chip was not high current driver, but getting to it
was much harder. So I left it alone.

Overall, emitor swap gave only modest improvements,
not worth the efforts IMHO.

A DX Zooming flashlight will cost $10 to 15 & much brighter.

If you like small lights, check out my nano crazy thrower mod.

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