Modded a silly spotlight


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 2, 2006
CA, 94087
My friend's dad got this ridiculous spotlight for his birthday that has three 2-way rockers. It has a low and high incan main beam ("15MCP"), 10 5mms around the bezel and a pair of 6V incan bulbs in series (for an area light), and an articulated arm with a red flashing LED and a SE Lux for a small spotlight. After I inspected it, I asked my friend "why does this exist?" It's really crazy.

We put a Seoul in the arm's spotlight, resulting in a much improved beam and better output. We also replaced the pair of 6V bulbs with four Seouls that just DD off the 12V SLA. It's really bright.

It was pretty fun, since my friend had root beer and tasty sandwiches at his house.
whats with you and your silly mods lol :grin2:
this spotlight sounds impressive, 10 LEDs makes the light actually practical

and btw, your mods aren't silly at all, your 2D cree light beat the pants off my mod, basically 3 luxeon I's glued to a heatsink and two 9Vs taped to it in parallel

homemade beef sandwiches always taste better than the leading store bought ones....
Hey buddy, heres som shots of our creation. Next step HID


