Modern drop in mag mods?


Jul 29, 2006
Is there a store selling drop in mods for maglites? Or is it not worth upgrading one of these old things?

I'd like to make use of an old 4C with nimh cells and a ~$50 lens-reflector-led-driver dropin.
UCL lens is very important. You're 100% correct.
Malkoff drop in is the best. You're right on target there too!
It is worth it... save up if necessary!

Some of us here tried to get a sticky put up with this basic info since it is asked daily. Maybe one day...
I just bought a TLE-6EXB TerraLUX MiniStar5 for my 2D Mag. Huge improvement over the standard incandecent bulb. Its also brighter than my 3D Magled. Just the fix I wanted for my glove compartment light.


I have the:

1. Malkoff: obviously has the best quality

2. Kaidomain Q5: quality not as good as Malkoff, but way brighter than the Terralux, plus heatsinking is good. Cheaper than Terralux. For an extra $17, you get an UCL and OP aluminum reflector. Pretty good deal.

3. Terralux: Horrible heatsinking, definitely not as bright as the above two. Really wouldn't recommend it unless you had the above 2 already and had money to burn.

PS - If anyones the terralux for the 2-3D, PM me, I have one for sale :)
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