My E2 is spoiling me



it's the smallest brightest light i've ever had, but now i want it brighter!! when's that 100+ lumens bulb for it coming out?!
Have you guys tried a P61 lamp (125 lumens) lamp in a 6P? It's really pretty good output despite the short run time. Most of my non-flashaholic friends are truly amazed when I show them this.

Anyway, ditto me in for a 100 lumen E2 bulb...
The P61 lives in my new M2.
I have P60's in the G2 and C2. When I carry the SC1 & M2, the SC1 has a spare P60 in case I need the longer runtime...

Otherwise, the P61 is my favourite Lamp Module. It's amazing!

It'd be interesting to have people's views on whether the step up from the P90 to the P91 is just as incredible as the difference between the P60 and P61.

I should point out, I've found the best results with the high output Lamp Modules are when Duracell Ultras are used. They have what it takes to really reach and maintain the peak output for longer (IMHO)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JoeyL:
Have you guys tried a P61 lamp (125 lumens) lamp in a 6P? It's really pretty good output despite the short run time. Most of my non-flashaholic friends are truly amazed when I show them this.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yup, 6P/P61 is what I keep on my belt, and M2/P61 in my pocket or bag. I've amazed my non-flashaholic friends with it too:

It was Thanksgiving gathering at a friend's place (2nd floor apartment). One of my other friends had parked his white Mazda RX7 about a block away, and kept looking out the window at it every 20 minutes or so.

He happened to notice I had something on my belt. Upon telling him it was a flashlight, I got promptly laughed at. "Why do you carry a flashlight on your belt?" Well, I pulled out my trusty 6P, went to the window, and shone the light out at his RX7 down the block. It just lit up the car and the area around it as if it was a car headlight. The next words out of his mouth were "Holy sh**! Can I see that?"

With regard to the step up from the P90 to the P91 vs the step up from the P60 to P61, I have a 9P and both bulbs. I couldn't see much difference between the P90 and P91. Seems that going from a P60 to P61 is more noticeable, although I dont have a P6 to tell for sure. Thats great for you guys with a 6P.

Nice little story about the 6P Mel. I wonder what he would have said if you whipped out an E2 with a 100 lumen bulb.

i still waiting for the hight output lamp of E2. jus a qustion, why 100lu and not 120??
and it has to be waterproof first for me to buy it.
i can wait...................
Maybe SureFire want a longer runtime out of the E2 High output lamp? Maybe 100Lu gives them 30 minutes?

I am thinking about Z20'ing my 12PM and deBezelling my black C2 so I can see what the P90 & P91 outputs are like...


I would love a waterproof E2, but I'm think we'll have plenty of time to save for one...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Size15s:
I would love a waterproof E2, but I'm think we'll have plenty of time to save for one...


Re: waterproofing. Well, shucks! Just put it in a Ziploc bag! Those folks on TV are always telling us how great the seal is on those things! Why, according to them, you could use that Ziploc-encased E2 to go scuba-diving!

Re: waiting. Hey, having time to save for it isn't all bad. We'll just have to keep from spending our "waterproof E2 pennies" on all the other neato-cool lights that come out between now and then.
I have put lights in ziplocks and it does work. I wouldn't do it with anything that would be killed by water though (like a camera). Ziplocks tend to start leaking about 15 feet, some more some less. And unless you are underwater an E2 will melt right through the ziplock

Lithium batteries tend to get nasty if they're hot, so either driving them hard or for a long time would be more likely to cause "nasty" stuff to happen.

My main concern is the SureFire Reflector. It's best not to touch these with anything. I won't even breathe on them! When they get wet, the water often dries leaving water-marks and relic droplet marks etc. These can make the beam less pure.

Obviously if a bulb explodes, you have a whole new set of scars etc, and bascially, the Bezel is a write-off. If a bulb blows from the P series SureFire Lamp Modules, you can replace the whole thing. If the Lens isn't damaged, you're luck. Some advice: do not touch the inside of the Pyrex lens - with anything!

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by pwell:
Nice little story about the 6P Mel. I wonder what he would have said if you whipped out an E2 with a 100 lumen bulb.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually, I really wonder what he would have said if I whipped out my M6.

I really gotta get the Blackhawk M6 pouch...

If a P61 was removed from its reflector, would it fit in an E2?

An LED was converted for the E2 why could't we do the same with a regular?

just a thought
Quote Obviously if a bulb explodes, you have a whole new set of scars etc, and bascially, the Bezel is a write-off. If a bulb blows from the P series SureFire Lamp Modules, you can replace the whole thing. If the Lens isn't damaged, you're luck. Some advice: do not touch the inside of the Pyrex lens - with anything!

Al, you say the bezel is a write-off ?
I can understand if the Lexan gets damaged, but the aluminium ?

Can all the reflectors and lenses be changed by the user ? And which bulbs come with integral reflectors /

It's my understanding that the lenses on old Classic SureFires such as the 6Z etc can be replaced by the end user using a Z17 Kit which costs under $5 some places online. The old 8X requires the Z30 Kit.

I think a kit for the 2.5" and 3" TurboHeads is available from SureFire. (I popped the lens out of one my Millennium TurboHead with Lexan lens when I whacked it with an axe - the lens pops back in, and the N2 remained undamaged by the whole incident - I'll have photos soon)

The Pyrex Lensed TurboHead is not end-user replaceable. The Lexan version can not be upgraded to Pyrex. The two versions are slightly different (which makes all the difference) in that the Pyrex lens uses the same screwed and glued method as smaller SureFires to provide far better seal.

End users can not replace any SureFire lens that is Pyrex, or Lexan with a plastic ring screwed & glued infront of it. Which is bascially all the new models.

The P60/P61, P90/91, X80, and R30 have bulbs and Reflectors.

All the N Series and MN Series Lamp Modules don't as far as I know have reflectors.

I don't think actual reflectors built into the flashlight Bezel can be changed by the end-user.

BTW, I have an BlackHawk M6 pouch on order from Tim.
Actually, just so you guys know- the E2 lamp is just a refitted P60 as the E1's is a refitted R30. I'm not sure that's public knowledge, but they didn't tell me NOT to keep quiet about it, so there ya go.

I've been meaning to rip apart a 61 just to see if I could retrofit the lamp to a base, but haven't had the time. Not sure it'll work right, but it's worth a shot if anyone has the time or inclination to waste $20 if it doesn't work.

As for the aluminum- yep- if one of the lamps blows (explodes, not burns out) you'll have fragment scars everywhere on the reflector. Those little lamps are at over 1000PSI and when they blow- POP!

All the reflectors cannot be changed- the E1, E2, 9N, 8NX and M6 (off memory here) all have fixed reflectors- and require a new bezel if things go TU.
Brock's note made me think of something...
I tried something that didn't work well and maybe I can save somebody the trouble.
I tried the P61 with the 6R (rechargable version of the 6P)... It was REALLY bright for about one minute then blew out. I guess the NiCad has such low internal resistance that it allowed too much amperage to flow thru the lamp. It only registered 5 volts but boy it was impressively bright. Sure Fire told me it should work, but it probably isn't worth repeating.