My first p7 mod w/beamshots


Newly Enlightened
Dec 27, 2008
Suffolk, New York
I just finished my first p7 mod. I used the body from this (a trustfire tr 801 q5) and put in a ssc p7 c bin i on direct drive. I removed the q5 emmitter, filed back the reflector about 2mm and drilled the opening to fit the p7. I removed the existing board and it is running direct drive. First thoughts, the little flashlight is pretty darn bright, even with such a small reflector. Throw is basically non existent and there is no noticeable hotspot. It is a large blanket of light. For those who like flood, this flashlight is perfect for that purpose. Also, the heatsinking on this light was obviously made for a q5. I have been cautious about running this for too long. The longest I will run it is about 2-3 minutes indoors. It needs to be held to help dissapate the heat. Outside in the cold weather I dont see a problem with the heat. I can tell if I left the flashlight running on it's own it would probably get quite hot. On a fresh 4.2 trustfire 18650 it appears to be drawing about 3.1a, then starts to drop below 3 after a few minutes. Thats about it.
I included a number of different beamshots from my other flashlights for comparison.



Modded trustfire

mte p7 2 mode 18650

aurora mc-e 2 mode 18650

ultrafire wf1000 p7 2x18650
Awsome close range light. Fantastic output,i'm thinking of doing this mod because i have a P7 sitting around.

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