My PD20 now has a buddy (Nitecore Extreme SS!)


Newly Enlightened
Dec 22, 2008
Placer County, CA
Hi gang,

The recent thread about the Nitecore Extreme (NEX) being a good "vampire" prompted me to re-investigate these. Combined w/ an Amazon GC I got for my birthday, I purchased a SS NEX last Thursday from Kandlepower (fulfilled by Amazon).

Arrived today!


The only problem is my excitement got dampened a bit by my immediately noticing "weird" behaviour from the clickie (sometimes the click-on doesn't "take") - and then noticing the two extra tail switches included are w/ the yellow plastic button (see :mecry: I haven't taken out the installed clickie, but I assume it's also the older/flakier version.

So, can anyone tell me the most direct way to contact EDGE/Nitecore to request the "good" clickies?

Otherwise, the NEX SS is a Beaut!! :kiss:

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Re: My PD20 now has a buddy (NEX SS!)

Thanks LightWalker!

FYI, I've modified the Title of the thread, trying to get some more traffic.

RE: the clickie issues w/ these lights, I'm trying to find information on how to get access to replace (or clean/lube/adjust) the tail switch.

Not finding info on Nitecore's website (or in the owner's manual), I'm assuming the metal (SS?) ring around the tail switch boot is a threaded retaining ring.

If so, for those who have removed it, what sort of tool do you use to get it unscrewed? I don't want to do (any) damage to the surrounding aluminum, nor the boot, if I can avoid it!

Re: My PD20 now has a buddy (NEX SS!)

The SS flat bezel is the most coveted one, since it was limited edition and was the only bezel offered that gave a plain round spillbeam (as opposed to the triangular spill of all the other models).

Once you resolve the clicky issue (the NEX head is compatible with all Surefire E-series bodies/switches :huh:), I imagine the Fenix will be residing in a drawer somewhere..
Re: My PD20 now has a buddy (NEX SS!)

I have a PD20 myself and often wondered how the Nitecore stacked up Size wise against it. Your picture did it. Thanks. It is a nice looking light (both of them)

Re: My PD20 now has a buddy (NEX SS!)

You are correct. It is a retaining ring. Mine is about a year old and retaining ring is black I understand the're SS now. I use a small pair of strong scissors in the notches and screw it out. Flush out the switch with WD 40 and lube the side of the switch button with silicone grease and it should be fine.

Re: My PD20 now has a buddy (NEX SS!)

Thanks for all the replies sofar.

LightWalker, thanks for the thread links; that 2nd one from the CPF forums is chock full of info - I've read thru parts of it before, but only now w/ a NEX in hand is some of it making sense, esp. the discussion on the tailcap.

h2oflyer, thanks for the confirmation, and idea on the scissors - but I found something even better in a drawer in the workshop: snap ring pliers :twothumbs


Very cleanly did the trick to loosen! Just the right span, too, about 5/8". I'll try to clean things up/out as you suggested. But I'll still put in a request to EDGE/Nitecore for the new-improved switch; now I can confidently remove & install the retaining ring.

Eventually, I hope to get a comparative review posted; I've had the PD20 since Christmas, and I've gotten quite accustomed to the UI - it's so easy to go from 9->47->94 lumens w/ the touch of a thumb. Just have to skip the SOS at the end of that sequence :p

But, the NEX is now pulling duty just as I'd hoped - working on its lowest setting w/ a "drained" Ray-o-vac CR123 that could no longer power up the PD20 at even 9 lumens.

All for now,
Re: My PD20 now has a buddy (NEX SS!)

I'm glad I could help and concratulations on scoring that beautiful light.:thumbsup:

I'm expecting my socond Nitecore light to arrive today, the EX10.
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Re: My PD20 now has a buddy (NEX SS!)

But I'll still put in a request to EDGE/Nitecore for the new-improved switch; now I can confidently remove & install the retaining ring.

Just a quick follow-up. Since that night I removed the retaining ring for the switch, it has been behaving well. I wiped-down the contact spring, reseated the switch, and was able to tighten the SS(?) retaining right a bit tighter than it had been originally - no doubt due to the snap ring pliers. Maybe this has helped.

The 'click' is noticeably quieter than that of the PD20. Could be a good thing, or neutral, depending on your POV.

Still, sent an email to Service @ Nitecore explaining and requesting the "new" switch, please.

All for now,
Hi all,

I'm following up with the change-over to the new switches from EDGETAC that I received last Friday (two weeks after they sent them out, after I'd PMed our EDGETAC member! Very helpful.)

From the photos below you can see many of the differences - the new switch, with the black button, is always on the Left. The yellow button switch is the malcontent :ironic: Most of the time - when the yellow switch "failed" - the switch would click on but the light would not stay on; but I'd have to "click" it off again. Could take several tries before it stayed on; sometimes a good "whack" on the side corrected things. Once, I couldn't turn the light off! :eek: These were my typical unreliable behaviors from the original yellow button switch.

But what you can't see is the tactile differences - and they are significant. The new black button clickie requires more force to actuate - very similar in fact to my PD20. But it is also more assured / positive / clean in the "feel" of the button's travel. The yellow button version is - as many of you know - sloppy / sometimes crunchy/grindy (like sand), and anything but repeatable.

If you are unhappy w/ your NEX switch, and you have the yellow button version, I highly encourage you to contact the place you bought it from, or 4sevens, or Edgetac directly. I went the Edgetac route, and they were very helpful.




Thanks for the picture, very informative.

The first generation Fenix forward clickies were the yellow kind and prone to failing. The later Fenix clickies are the black style, much more reliable, better feel too.

The Lumapower forward clickies have always been the black kind. Solid and reliable.

While i Have no information, but my from-the-hip guess is that Eagletac uses the same style of switch (they have been known to be reliable). This is pure speculation though.

It's nice to see that Edgetac is now using the better switches. I wonder if it's possible to purchase these from DX or somewhere. I'd like to get some for future mods...

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