My sister burned the cookies...

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Aug 12, 2000
Federal Way WA. USA
I got up at ~4:40am PST today, greeted by a very pungent odour as I opened the door to my room...turns out that my sister had fallen asleep while baking cookies. The oven was still on (set to 375°F) and the tray of cookies were still in there. She was making cookies just after 12:00am PST this morning, so figure that they'd been cooking for at least four hours.


As you can see, they're nothing more than black, crispy blobs on the tray. :sick2:

Anybody else destroy food in a similar manner?
Wow, that looks tatsy.:sick2: This is not quite so bad, but when my mom makes soup she always forgets about it and boils it. Aside from the fact that it gets to hot to eat, she boils it for so long it concentrates, so it's really strong and salty. LOL
What kind of cookies were they supposed to be? It looks like they have coconut in them.
I once forgot a frozen pizza in the oven. It had been in for about an hour before I remembered it. The thing was rock hard :laughing:.
You could of gone out into the back yard and thrown the thing around like a Frisbee.
I once forgot a frozen pizza in the oven. It had been in for about an hour before I remembered it. The thing was rock hard :laughing:.
You could of gone out into the back yard and thrown the thing around like a Frisbee.

Lol, I did that once. Guess I forgot about, I don't have all that great of a memory:thinking:. I did throw it like a frisbee, but my dog got a hold of it.
I honestly don't know what kind of cookies they were supposed to sister hates coconut, so that's probably not "it". :cornfused:

Well, I guess trying to identify the ingridients of a pile of ash is more difficult than I thought...
So what do they taste like?:poke:

Years ago my mum got her first microwave oven. She wanted to cook a jacket potato. She phoned my then girlfriend (who is now my wife) and asked her how long to cook it for. I entered the kitchen to find smoke pouring from the microwave. I open the door and throw the smouldering potato outside. Mum stood there in disbelief, "she told me 15 minutes!"
It turned out mum had a new 800W oven, my wife's old oven was 300W.
Opps .
well craig was they homemade or from a mix?i havne t had homemad e cookies in years
Over Thanksgiving my wife made a pumpkin pie cheesecake, and at some point during that process an unknown something fell onto the bottom of the stove without her knowlege. We found out during lunch the next day, when we had so much smoke coming from the oven that we had to clear the house with fans..
When I was a little kid in the early 70s, my father had some water under his watch crystal and put it in the oven on low heat in an attempt to dry it out. Along comes my teenaged sister and blissfully unaware as to what was going on, cranked up the oven to pre-heat it for baking cookies. Ten minutes later there was the pungent odor of melting plastic and the oven door was opened to see a ruined watch with a melted crystal. My dad didn't think it was too funny but my mom got a hoot out of it.
my mum cooks like that, but all the time
she uses the smoke detector to know when stuff is done - we use it to detect miracles, salads and Takeaway, if dinner is on the table before the smoke alarm goes off - its either a miracle, salad or takeaway

seriously, she cooks two chickens at a time, a little one and a big one, when i asked her why she replied, "when the little ones burnt the big ones done"

i had a little kid tell me that he just watched a vampire movie, and that the vampire got killed with a steak - i replied "thats nothing, my mum can do that with baked potato"
I threw them in the garbage and took the bag out to the dipsty dumpster already. :green:

Good move, Craig. Carbonized food is not good for one's health.

Something very similar happened to me on a date a long time ago. My partner baked something for us that would up getting badly burnt to the point that it was inedible. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise, though, as it taught us a lesson about humility and gratitude, for accepting it for the effort put forth. It was an act of love and it didn't matter that it came out burned.
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