My version of the 1C SSC aka the Mini-C


Jul 22, 2003
San Bruno, CA
Over Christmas break, I finally had some spare time to play out in the workshop. I rumaged around in my box of stuff and came up with an AW C li-ion, a SSC USW0H emitter, a ModaMag trick C tail switch, and an Arc sized flupic. I decided to try my hand at a 1C light. Boy are C sized Mags hard to find. I tried all the big box hardware stores, some of little ones, target, Fry's and even Sears. I had just about given up, but swung in to Radio Shack since they were on my way home. They had two in stock so now I had all the makings of my 1C.

I have always liked the Aleph series from Don, so I decided to make a light engine that would tread into the head. It allows for good heat sinking (about 1/2 inch thick and mates to both the head and body), easy upgradability, and since it is threaded into the head I can play with the height for my fixed focus since I was pretty much winging this whole project.


The light engine


LE installed in the head


All put together. It came out shorter than I had anticipated. Maybe a tad too short, but hey who said anything I ever make is practical.


Here is one for size reference. Next to it is an Aleph 19 and behind it a 2D.

Since I have an extra handle, I am debating on cutting it down to have a more standard sized light. Well see if I get any time. I have also been throwing around the idea of building a 3 or 4 AAA to C adapter just so I can have a bit of flexability if the li-ion runs out, although at 3300mah and 3 levels of brightness I can't imagine that happening without some really poor planning.
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Hmm, seems like my hosting for the pics is down.


Called my provider, they got it back up. Let me know what you think.
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Nice project. I still like your triple Lux V light myself, but I guess I am one of the few remaining Lux V fans.

I see the lathes still work well. :wave:
Hey Harry, have not seen you in a while. Thanks for the comments. I am still a big fan of the lux 5 too. I think I still have a couple of "W" bins floating around might have to find something to do with them too.

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