Need a Light for the Boy.


May 22, 2005
Detroit, MI
Hey all my boy (19 months) really likes flashlights and I would like for him to have his own. (just an excuse to buy something else)

Anyway, what I would like is something that uses a single CR123, has a clicky (doesn't matter which type) and ideally has only a low mode. I'm thinking a Quark 123 form factor. Something on the cheaper side 20 buck would be nice but I'm open to suggestions.

I want a single low mode because I was letting him play with the quark the other night and he was running through all of the modes which made me think I would be just burning through the batteries if I were to let him go with that.

Check my post I just made maybe the Jetbeam Jet-i clone would be good its single output but runs on single aa but has over 10-12 hour runtimes
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Some may think I'm nut's but get him a new RA clicky.They will never break and what u do as i did is just set all the levels all the same say 10LM then lock the light out so he can't change the settings'' witch he will" then set up the auto off feature so when he goes to sleep it will shut off.:thumbsup:

The locate flash will be a big help to when it gets lost
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Bit on the high side yes but he will have it for years and it will grow with him as he does.They make a nice smooth bezel for it as well.
id never give a child a lithium cell.:poof:

how bout a multicolor/function led peak AA light?
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Some may think I'm nut's but get him a new RA clicky.They will never break and what u do as i did is just set all the levels all the same say 10LM then lock the light out so he can't change the settings'' witch he will" then set up the auto off feature so when he goes to sleep it will shut off.:thumbsup:

The locate flash will be a big help to when it gets lost
+1 I like this idea.

A Quark Tactical would also be a pretty good choice as you can program it to only have low levels, but it doesn't have the auto-off that the Ra does.
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At this point I would stay away from any lithium celled light, stick with a single or double AA light with low lumens (most 123 based light will get very hot quickly), not only is there a burn factor to consider I would want a light let on somewhere unattended in the house.
Both my girls have had this set up for years and it has worked very well.And my girls can break an anvil:D
At this point I would stay away from any lithium celled light, stick with a single or double AA light with low lumens (most 123 based light will get very hot quickly), not only is there a burn factor to consider I would want a light let on somewhere unattended in the house.

Thats why you set the light on very low level and auto turn off. Fail proof.
This is crazy and alarmist. Everyone knows that 123's are perfectly safe in a high quality light, using high quality batteries. If OP wants 123's let him have 123's.
Some may think I'm nut's but get him a new RA clicky.They will never break and what u do as i did is just set all the levels all the same say 10LM then lock the light out so he can't change the settings'' witch he will" then set up the auto off feature so when he goes to sleep it will shut off.:thumbsup:

The locate flash will be a big help to when it gets lost

Oh man, I see you costing me some dough. I love this idea and in that config it is perfect.

Hmmm a 140 dollar light for a 19mo old.:huh:

I can see this happening.:devil:
My little one has an old POC Princeton Tec 3 LED light that I had before I was enlighten. It is a single mode twisty but he figured it out pretty quick. It is pretty much useless for me but perfect for him because it is not too bright and more durable then the junk toy lights.
Try the safe-light/PAL (the older version; now called the Handyman).
It has a great low mode, a reading mode, and a finder mode with good
battery life and sized perfectly for small hands and has a rubberized exterior.
Price fits, too.

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Hey all my boy (19 months) really likes flashlights and I would like for him to have his own. (just an excuse to buy something else)

Fenix LD10 and traffic wand.

Thing is, he is likely to bang stuff with it, chew on it, suck on it, take it apart if he can, drop it on his foot, poke the switch with fingers and whatever he can find, dunk it in water, stare into it, stick it in fan -- and may lose it under a bush. He will also likely do something with it that no one over the age of 10 would ever imagine. That's what little kids are best at.
This is crazy and alarmist. Everyone knows that 123's are perfectly safe in a high quality light, using high quality batteries. If OP wants 123's let him have 123's.

++++++111111111 come on guys 123 cells are safe! People worry WAY to much on this subject.Yes there have been a very few problems with them but how many? not enough to even worry about.Tell u what not to hijack this thread but how many ppl out there have had a light just blow on them do to 123 issues?
Oh man, I see you costing me some dough. I love this idea and in that config it is perfect.

Hmmm a 140 dollar light for a 19mo old.:huh:

I can see this happening.:devil:

You wont be disappointed this set up works very well,And set at 10 or so LMs a battery will last a long long time.You can keep an eye on B/S/T they can be had for less then $140