Need a new multitool


Jun 13, 2010
I'm looking for a new multitool, and my internet just decided to time out so I lost the first post I typed out so I'm sorry if this one is too short and the tone is a bit :mad:

I currently have a Leatherman super tool 200 which functions perfectly well except it's bulky, heavy and needs the belt pouch to be carried properly. I'm looking for something with at least the functionality of the st200 except also

a) has a pocket clip for deep pocket carry
b) is not as heavy/fat/has as many protrusions and stuff as the st200
c) has a matte/satin/beadblasted finish rather than the shiny stainless of the st200
d) made in the USA or a different western or western-allied country. No PRC products please.

I've been out of the multitool stuff for ages so I have no idea what they 'should' have nowadays - I don't need a thumb stud or a thumb hole to flick open the knife or anything, I see some have that and that would probably just get me in trouble here.:thinking: I like the look of those 'seat belt cutter' type things, I see some have those.

If it's even possible I want wire cutters and insulation strippers as well but I guess only specialised tools have those.
I also had the 'bulky problem' with my LM Charge.
I bought a LM Juice CS4 and I never looked back.
It's just the size of a SAK but able to accomplish about 80% of
the jobs that a big LM could do.

It doesn't fit your list well though.

No clip
b) is ok
Shiny finish
Made in USA and Mexico AFAIK.
(I don't know if you consider Mexico a 'western or western-allied country' ;))

Cutting wires works for me for steel wires with a diameter up to 2 mm.
No wire stripper, but IMHO this job is anyway better done with the knife blade.
I really, really want a pocket clip - I've gotten used to carrying my flashlight this way now and having heavy items sag down my pockets now ends up being more annoying than ever before.:duh2:

The finish isn't all that important, but when I'm buying a new one I'd rather it be exactly what I want than a compromise.:sssh:
Leatherman makes some add-on clips, that look to me like they're for deep-carry. I don't have one yet, although I just ordered one for my new wave. Looks like there's one that fits the New Wave, Surge, and Charge, and another for the Kick. Not sure if either of those would work for you - they're all full size tools. The clips are about $5 - I grabbed mine from amazon.

I have a LM Charge TTi and a Skeletool CX, and both have clips (charge's clip may be optional). I think the charge is great and it has pretty much everything i need. i even find the small flat screw driver to be useful (for lose screws on my glasses, etc). its quite a bit heavier than the Skeletool and I definitely feel the difference if i pocket carry it.

the Charge does have a "belt cutter" but the back of it is a full length serrated blade.

even with the lighter skeletool, i don't find it too comfortable for pocket carry because of the thickness of it. though it is quite minimal, being light(er) weight make it up for it.

both has thumb hole for the blade, though i can't really flick open the blade because of the tightness of the joint.

I like them both for different reason. the skeletool is in my bag everyday because its lighter. but if i am going hiking or on trips, i would go for the charge because i want more tools available.
Okay, I've decided - I want the MUT.:devil:

(I found a local store offering it but there's a bit of a markup - anyone know any stores with free or cheap international shipping that would possibly offer it?)

Nevermind dudes, preordered from Knifecenter. Even if I end up being charged both VAT *and* customs fees it'll be cheaper than buying here.:shakehead
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