Need advise


Newly Enlightened
Oct 29, 2007
Livermore, In the people's republic of CA
Hello all, I'm Tiny and this is my first post.

So I'm looking at getting a new flashlight. I want something with 65 to around 100 lumens, and good throw. I am hoping to keep it below $100.

A guy on a knife forum I belong to told me that if I am going to get a new light get a CREE LED. So I started looking at the Surefire G2 LED and 6P LED. How are they?
I have read and been told by a few people that the CREE LEDs have excellent throw, and that they put off just as much light as Xeon bulbs, (I'm looking for reinforcement on that one, because I only have one LED light and its older and only useful when its almost pitch black)
You have tons of options. Most flashlight makers make a light within your specs. If you want it in the smallest package, go with a Fenix...Want a bit bigger, a bit dated, but tough as bricks and a brand name, get a Surefire. I have a 6P cree and love it.

LEDs have come a long why in the last 3 years or so. I have an Ace Hardware LED that is about 3 years old and it is exactly what you describe...complete junk unless the room is dark. I also have LEDs that will light up a hill 100 yards away.

If you choose LED and get a good one, you will not be disappointed.
If you are just looking for a light with throw, you've entered the game at a good time. Many manufacturers are realizing the throw potential of LEDs when matched with the right reflector or lens. The G2L and 6PL will be decent throwers for their size, but will have more of a balanced beam.
Welcome to CPF!!

For all out throw, though, you still probably want incandescent, because as of right now they're mostly impossible to beat..

Since you want throw and LED, the biggest thing to watch is (IMO) reflector size. The bigger the reflector, the tighter the beam, the further your light will throw, generally. A P60-LED drop in is a good compromise - you get your lumens and you also get the throw.
Within your price range, you have many options. There are lights under $30 shipped that will produce 100 Lumen out the front(like this one, great thrower for the price, 16000 Lux) but the Surefire L1 only hits 80. What's the difference, well mainly build quality and customer service.

So my question for you is:

What do you need the light for?

Quick LED 101:

The newer LEDs, Cree XR-E P4-R2 bin, Seoul P4 and Rebel 100, have at least double the efficiency of the previous Luxeon LEDs, the I, III, V and K2. All the newer LED at 350 mA produce more light then the Luxeon III at 1000 mA. The newer LEDs can hit at least 180 lumen at 1 amp (I think the Cree R2 is above 240 Lumen at 1 amp). Throw is determined by the optics system.

As of now, unless you need color rendering or absolute power(with no thought about runtime) and dislike the color of LEDs, most of the smaller sized lights(less the maglite 2C size) can all be replaced by LEDs.

The Dereelight CL1H has been getting good reviews and is easily upgradeable. I'd recommend the 2 mode Cree Q5 module. $79 shipped. Might even replace your duty light depending on what you use right now. Also works with 2 Rcr123 batteries and a 18650 battery.

The L2T V2.0 is also a good light on AA batteries.

If you just want throw(100+ meter), there are also many choices.

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