I'm a single mom and will not allow a gun in the house. What I am looking to find is a strong flashlight that is small and gives a strong enough light that I can blind someone while me and my daughters can get away. Any help you can give me?
Weeeeeeeell, the million dollar question...Just how much are you looking to spend on this , "blinding" light, no offense, Cuse this will open up a whole truck load of worms and we can narrow it down quickly if you apoint a budget first....I'm a single mom and will not allow a gun in the house. What I am looking to find is a strong flashlight that is small and gives a strong enough light that I can blind someone while me and my daughters can get away. Any help you can give me?
I'm a single mom and will not allow a gun in the house. What I am looking to find is a strong flashlight that is small and gives a strong enough light that I can blind someone while me and my daughters can get away. Any help you can give me?
Tigerlight - includes pepper spray - which is really what you ought to have anyway in addition to a bright light. If she is in S.F - guns are banned there - you can't even own them in that part of Kalifornia (a serious concern). You should look at the Tigerlight as it IS a quality very bright light with the added plus of pepper spray. You might also want to look at one of the superior pepper spray products called Guardian Angel - I think www.islandtactical.com carries it. Looks somewhat like a pager and can be carried as such but shoots at 90 MPH. A copy from the ad:
"The new LifeActTM Guardian Angel® is the most advanced non-lethal self defense tool available today. It renders conventional pepper sprays obsolete and stops threats at a safe distance. Small, light and ergonomic, it carries easily in pocket or purse, and an integral clip also secures it to a belt. The outer body conforms to either a right or left-hand grip, and fits almost any size hand. The Guardian Angel contains two cylinders with powerful concentrations of near pharmaceutical grade OC (oleoresin capsicum), a devastatingly effective inflammatory agent. Driven by pyrotechnic charges, the solution travels at 90 MPH with little chance of cross-contamination, and with enough energy to wrap around glasses or penetrate a face mask. Effect is immediate and lasts for up to 45 minutes. Unlike conventional sprays, the Guardian Angel does not lose pressure over time."
Candi: If you need something quick and cheap and effective....get several cans of hornet or wasp spray...the kind that shoots 25 feet.... It is more potent than pepper spray...and will blind a person if not washed out soon. You could get sued....but that's a lot better than dead! Place a can in several different locations...teach the kids to keep hands off.