Joseph Milton
Hey all McGizmo heads,
I have the luxury of owning two Luna Sol 27 lights right now. Honestly, if it stays like that, I'm more than happy! The LS27's are true masterpieces.
But I should branch out.
I need a pocket-friendly McGiz. Single cell 123, Ti would be best, and high output. Two stage is a plus. But the pocket-friendly is the #1 objective.
Which lights from Don offer the highest output with a single cell and the smaller head?
What are my choices when it comes to this set-up? I know Don has made some awesome lights, so just a little push in the right direction is all I need.
I have a McClicky pak, and an A19 head from MirageMan on order, so this could be the setup I'm looking for. If so, who makes the light engine that will make this mother really fire?
And if those of you reading have anything interesting, please let me know!
Thanks to all the Giz heads,
I have the luxury of owning two Luna Sol 27 lights right now. Honestly, if it stays like that, I'm more than happy! The LS27's are true masterpieces.
But I should branch out.
I need a pocket-friendly McGiz. Single cell 123, Ti would be best, and high output. Two stage is a plus. But the pocket-friendly is the #1 objective.
Which lights from Don offer the highest output with a single cell and the smaller head?
What are my choices when it comes to this set-up? I know Don has made some awesome lights, so just a little push in the right direction is all I need.
I have a McClicky pak, and an A19 head from MirageMan on order, so this could be the setup I'm looking for. If so, who makes the light engine that will make this mother really fire?
And if those of you reading have anything interesting, please let me know!
Thanks to all the Giz heads,