need help - differences between the old INOVA X5 and the latest X5 model ?


May 11, 2007
Red Deer, AB, Canada
I need some clues regarding the differences between the 2-nd generation of X5 and the 3-rd , latest generation -
I can recognize the 1-st one from the body , different from the next 2 generations.

Who's selling now the 3-rd X5 generation ?
I have had a 2-nd generation , I know that as the guy mentioned in its thread , but I wasn't too happy with its output and I woul be willing to get the latest one as I ve been told it's 2 times it true ?
But first of all I should be able to recognize the differences .
Thank you in advance!
I believe the most noticeable physical difference between the 2nd and 3rd is that the 2nd has a small stainless ring around the rubber switch boot that is engraved with the company name. The 3rd generation has a plain ring, but the rubber boot itself is imprinted with the name.

I think there were also some minor changes with the knurling pattern, but I don't recall what they were exactly.

Target is a good local source for Inova's
Pretty sure Marduke is right. Here's an older thread with more info.

If you want a good deal on a gen3 X5 (titanium finish, white LEDs), PM me. Mine is just collecting dust on a shelf. I bought it at Target on sale a few months ago and would be willing to part with it. I don't have a gen2 X5 to compare it to, but I've read the gen3 is brighter like you said.
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Hope this is not too far off topic... Electrically does the latest renditiondition of X5 run comfortably off 8.4 volts? I know its only marketed as a 6V light, but is the circuit rugged/over-designed enough to handle a pair of RCR123s? The light itself draws very low current IIRC, so heat wouldn't be an issue. I think it comes down to the voltage capacity limit of the components used. Nichia emitters have a Vf around 3.5V

I am looking for a whiter color tint, low lumen, floody beam alternative to my nite-ize modded minimag, and I have a ton of RCR123 cells already.

Electrically does the latest renditiondition of X5 run comfortably off 8.4 volts?

I am looking for a whiter color tint, low lumen, floody beam alternative to my nite-ize modded minimag, and I have a ton of RCR123 cells already.

I'm not 100% sure, but since the X5 isn't regulated, I doubt over-voltage would be good for it.

You might look into a JetBeam Jet-II IBS, it's 1x123 and was made to accept RCRs, can do 2-250 lumens and the head/reflector assembly can be removed so you can "Mule"/bare emitter use it - this easily lights up an entire indoor wall from only a few feet away with super-floody smooth, even light.
Look on the back for the package to say copyrighted in 2006. That's the year the third gen. X5 came out. If it says any earlier, it's not the third generation X5. The newer X5 uses Nichia CS l.e.d.s and is over two times brighter than the second generation. However, since Nichia GS l.e.d.s are available now and are twice as bright and efficient as CS l.e.d.s, I think the X5 is due for another upgrade.
I just hope they upgrade their X1 and X5 with Nichia DS's. However, an X1 with a Cree XP-E would be nice.