Need help on LEGO issue 918FA.


Dec 19, 2005
I have the 918FA with the M3 head but I am cutting my barrel to 14" and would like to get something that does not extend past the end. Using the M3 head would mean only the battery in the grip would remain if I cut it down to fit. Which means I need a M11 bulb that runs on 3v, no go.

Since I'm looking at a 3v system (1xcr123) I would rather go with a C body shock bezel (I have already) and use a 3v lamp from Lumens Factory if there is a combo that will allow that?

Is there a 1 cell M body to C head made by anyone? Will only M bodies screw into the 918FA carrier?

Is the 6v 618FA using a different tube and thread combo, or are M3 bodies the same threads on the end as C bodies?

Re: Need help on LEGO issue 918FA. (UPDATED)

OK, I found an old 6P (says laser in it) and they will thread into the 918FA but the threads are too long.

My option now is to either cut it myself or buy a 3P body. Are those around anymore?

Anyone use a Lumens factory 3v 26 series? Are they as impressive as thier EO9?
I am converting my 618FA to a 918FA and putting in a P91. I just got this off Ebay. It is a cell extender. But your problem is my 618 (6V) basically uses a 3P body. 1 cell is inside the forend and 1 cell is in the body. You would need the lamp head to thread directly to the forend. At least thats how my 618 is. If you are looking to get rid of the original body and head from your 918 (not the M3 head, I may be interested in it.
If you are looking to get rid of the original body and head from your 918 (not the M3 head, I may be interested in it.
Actually, I'm gonna try to make an M3 out of it by adding an extender and tailcap eventually.

I'm going to cut my old 6P down on the lathe next week since there does not seem to be an adaptor out there.

As I have measured it, the length will be ~1/2" of threads, then about 1/4" exposed from the forearm housing (battery is flush inside it) to the Z44 shock bezel. This should keep the front of the bezel about 1/4"-1/2" back from the end of the 14" barrel (after its cut) and Scattergun Tech +1 extender I have on it.

I just don't think that they look good with the light past the barrel myself and want the most compact I can get with a +1 extender.

Here is what it looks like with a 2xCR123 setup on a 14" SBS.

Trying to get away from that protruding light. :green:

The only thing I don't like is that the old 6P body does not have the battery "wall" build in like the L36 head/body.

I may end up making one by press fitting some aluminium into the body and boring it out. Not sure if there will be enough material left to hold it in place though.
Sounds like a lot of work on your hands to make a 3v shotgun light. Post some pics if you get it made. I figured since I got a 18" barrel I might as well extend the light and add more light. I think a LED dropin would make a good lamp choice for a 3v setup. I'm no expert, but I don't think theres a LED lamp that would put out as much as the P91 in what I'm trying to do.
Yeah it's a lot of work just so the light doesn't extend past the barrel, but that's what flashlight freaks do right? :)

The m10 is actually too much light IMO for inside a house. I figure Lumens Factory's EO-4 will be compatible to a P60 even though it says 190lum

I plan to use a beam shaper also.

Will post pics

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