need help to decide which one to get


Newly Enlightened
Sep 7, 2006
been wanting to get a good flashlight for sometime now and keep putting it off,until i receive a call that i am going to eraq. maybe by the end of this month. i like the surefire but dont know which one. I think i like the u2 becouse of diff selection but i also thinking of the L4,L5 . my question is ,is the 100 lumin in u2 same as L4,L5 how about the reach of the beam is it the same. thanks
In therms of throw, U2(1885 Lux), L5(1370 Lux) and lastly L4(512 Lux)(all according to Flashlight reviews). I've heard the L4 will get too hot to handle in about 15 minutes after turn on, not sure about the U2 or L5. The 100 lumen rating should be correct since surefire underrates their light output.

You might also want to look at the NovaTac EDC line of lights. 120 true lumens. The throw of the previous Luxeon light is between the U2 and L5 at 1400Lux, the new one with a Seoul LED(double the efficiency of a Luxeon) will throw further than that. I'm not sure they'll arrive on time though.

You could also buy the Surefire G2Z, G2(I would not recommend these two if you are using a LED drop-in, plastic keeps in the heat and heat is bad for LEDs), Z2, C2, 6P Malkoffdevices Drop-in(thread). It will out throw the U2, L4 and L5 but there is only one mode and I'm not sure about reliability, but it should be pretty good. Maybe you could buy two lights, one bright one dim and increase overall reliability.

Remember that white LEDs don't produce much red and a red filter will cut lots of output. It might be a better idea to buy a dedicated Red light if you need this capability.

What will you need the light for? How tough? Gun mountable? Froward Clickie or Tail twistie with momentary? How bright?

Good luck in Iraq,
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thank you gunner12, I am not in the infantry,my unit is combat stress unit ,i thought i need flashlight just in case the power goes out use it to go to the latrine.also i am planning to go camping with my family before i go. so i need it for multi task. so the more lux the farther it throw?
Instead of the U2, think about the WolfEyes with the Cree drop-ins. Hella more light out of those things (with more runtime) then the U2, and from what I hear the WolfEyes are still quite durable. Look for a member "Mike @ PTS" for questions about which one gets the best throw - but with the discount there and the prices of the WolfEyes versus a lot of the SureFire - you might be able to find twice the flashlight for half the price.

Let the flames begin!! cuy, I know you obviously lurk - but be careful about ever questioning the value of a SureFire in this forum, people will come to eat your brains out for even suggesting it - but I'm trying to give you the best info I can, and after spending the last couple of weeks looking at the WolfEyes and reading reviews on them...they seem like really nice lights.

For that matter the Huntlight might throw better then anything you have had previously:
...and the Lumapower M1 throws better then that:

But the WolfEyes are more tactical and you might like them much better then the Huntlight or Lumapower....

Start here:

Then if you go back to this thread, you see a lot of questions answered about the WolfEyes:

After that, maybe you can decide - but you don't have to get a SureFire just because everyone says they're the best. They have been slow to adopt new technology and it makes some of the WolfEyes lights with the Cree modules a better value perhaps. You can even use rechargeables in the WolfEyes (but get the ones which take CR123s in case your in a pinch in Iraq with no access to power around for a while).

Have fun in your search, it'll be an arduous one I'm sure...well, for someone like me it always is - but I research the crap out of something before I buy to make sure I get the best value. That's why I say, at this time....I think you may be able to find a better value in some of the WolfEyes lights then the SureFires.

Bombs away.

EDIT: Look up Lumapower MRV - crazy throw it seems from what some are saying in this thread:
Looks like a hellofa throw monster too.
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thank you gunner12, I am not in the infantry,my unit is combat stress unit ,i thought i need flashlight just in case the power goes out use it to go to the latrine.also i am planning to go camping with my family before i go. so i need it for multi task. so the more lux the farther it throw?
Simply put, More Lux = More throw.

I'm guessing you don't need a froward clickie(as in no real tactical situations)? If that's true, then the Fenix L1/2D-CE(1AA and 2AA batteries) or P2D-CE, P3D-CE(1 CR123 and 2 CR123 batteries) might be good(all uses a reverse clickie). The L1/2D-CE and P2D-CE have compatible bodies. Multiple modes and relatively tough(could be confusing and annoying at first). They will out throw the Surefires(L4, L5, U2) but probably won't outlast them. The Fenix are great everyday lights but aren't good tactical lights. Fenix Store(Cree Section, CPF8 for 8% discount). Two different companies aimed at different markets.

The Inova X5 is a great, tough, flood light that doesn't throw far but produces light for a very long time.

For a dependable light, go for the Surefire U2, but for the same price, you could also buy a few Fenix lights.

For absolute throw without modding, get the Lumapower MRV. Throws very far but not very useful close range.