Need help with SF M6


Newly Enlightened
Feb 21, 2007
God's country Cadiz Ky.
After checking out some of my rechargable setup's A friend handed me his M6 and said don't bring it back until it has rechargable batteries in it. What do you guy's think is the best setup for the M6? I told him it would prob. be $100 buck's or more he said go for it.

If there is a better place for this thread please move it.
There is a good workable solution described in this thread, and there are other variants on the M6-R idea in the pipeline.

I'm moving this thread to the 'Incan' section.
I think the mn61 will also run on 6 R123s in the regular mb20 holder, albeit for a shorter runtime than the 3x17650 setup. I forgot where I did see this setup being mentioned though.

I guess the bright side is that it is immediately available as opposed to the 3x17650 holders that FM made.
There is a LumensFactory lamp made for rcr123s. Or, you could get the 17670 holder. Suffice to say, you have a few options and $100 should cover it.
You can also check out this thread for some good rechargeable M6 stuff. Be sure to read all of it as I bumped it to the top long after the initial bout of postings. Good stuff there about the R123's in the MB20 with various lamps.
Can the MN21 lamp be used with 6 RCR 3.0V(the LIFEP04 cells)? What about with the 3x17670?
Maybe RCR 3.0Vs if they can deal with the 3C discharge. But I'm guessing the runtime will be about 10 minutes?

3x17670 is definitely no no, well over the instaflash threshold.
Thanks Roy. I guess I have to buy the LF bulb along with the holder. or get the FM MN bulb holder with 1185.
If you read the thread I linked in post #2 above, you will see that the MN61 (the M4 HOLA) works very well indeed with the FM 3x17670 holder in the M6. It is brighter than the MN21.

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