Need Ideas On How To Get P60 In SF Scout Light


Dec 21, 2008
I've been very happy with the BOG Q5 drop in for both my 6P and my existing weapon light but my current weapon light won't run the Q5 as bright as the 6P. I attribute this to the polymer body of my current weapon light because its powered by two CR123's and I've swapped the same module and batteries between it and the 6P so it would appear that all else is equal but body materials. So...

I have a Surefire Scout Light body on its way to me right now but I want it to be able to accept a P60 style drop in. I'm aware of the Surefire LU60A but I don't need or want the incandescent lamp assembly so I don't see the sense in paying for it. Additionally it is my understanding the LU60A requires an included adapter to fit the Scout Light body. That's not the end of the world but I'd rather avoid adapters and other extra parts if at all possible. According to my research VitalGear made lights with heads that would accept P60 drop ins but would attach directly to e series bodies like the Scout Light. The problem is as far as I can tell VitalGear is out of business and no longer carried by any vendor. Likewise it appears all the aftermarket e body to c head adapters are out of stock and out of production.

Is anybody aware of a head that will accept a P60 drop in and attach directly to my Scout Light body that is still available?

-thanks in advance!
TNC Products has an E2C adapter - they expect a new supply of Black and OD in a month, give or take.

No word yet on HA NAT.

Why did you go the Scout route instead of a Weapon Mount and tailcap pad?

That's good to hear about the adapters going back into production next month. If I can't find another solution at least I'll be able to get one of them.

I could have gone with a 6P and weapon mount but that would have cost me as much as what I spent on the Scout Light body. Part of the reason I went with the Scout Light body is because it says "Scout Light" right on it which I find amusing for personal reasons. Chiefly though it's because I'm very satisfied with my current weapon light and I'm trying to replicate it as closely as possible but in a metal body. This is my current light body...

... What I like about it compared to the weapon mount + 6P option is that the body and mount are an integrated whole and it has an unobtrusive quick detach feature. Adding the LaRue Tactical LT-172 mount... the Scout Light body and the right head will replicate those characteristics closely.

I didn't want to buy the whole Scout Light from Surefire because aside from the body I'm not too interested in the other parts that come as part of the package. I'm not even a fan of pressure activated tape switches. This way I'll be able to build a customized light I'll like for the same price as if I bought an official configuration.
Ah, gotcha.

You might also peruse the Custom & Mod B/S/T board - you never know what somebody is selling.

IMO, the LU60A is the simplest solution. Sell the P60 lamp that comes with it, or save it for a light that takes it, like a G2 or 6P. An LU60A will cost about the same as an E2C adapter and a Z32 bezel, especially if you have to pay separate shippping costs for each.

But if you already have a head for your BOG LED assembly, just get an E2C adapter and you're good to go.

I'm using an M60 in mine:

Thanks for the pic, that looks a lot like what I'll probably end up with except for the tail cap. I do wonder if shock isolation is really necessary with an LED though.
I do wonder if shock isolation is really necessary with an LED though.
It's not necessary at all, and since the shock isolation bezel isn't able to dissipate heat as well as the standard 6P/C2/etc bezels, it can lead to an earlier demise for your LED drop-in.

You need an E2C adapter regardless. I'd use that E2C adapter with your 6P bezel.

You can wait for the next batch from TnC, order the LU60A from Surefire (you should be able to recoup most of the cost by flipping the HA black shock isolation bezel, since it's unique to that package), or order the Vital Gear adapter from supremeco. They all work the same way. You could also try posting a WTB in the marketplace.
How do you order from Supremeco? I couldn't find a way to add products to the shopping cart.

I can see where you have the Vital Gear adapter though.

Looks like they're having website issues. I couldn't add anything to the cart.

I've had no trouble ordering from them in the past.
I think I'd prefer the standard 6P bezel anyway because it's more compact but what you say about heat dissipation does make sense.

How reliable are those overseas vendors in general? It seems there might be a few of the Vital Gear lights with the heads that are said to take P60 lamp assemblies but fit on E series bodies on some Asian sites. I'd like to give the benefit of the doubt but I've heard of people getting scammed by such operations before so I'm wary.
What kind of turn-around do you need for the adapter?

I have time. My current light works fine and I wouldn't have wanted to upgrade it if I had never compared it side by side to my 6P. Now that I know I can squeeze a little more out of two CR123's and a BOG Q5 I want to but don't absolutely need to. My main goal is to just eventually end up with a light I'll like.
I have family who may be in Hong Kong in January - I might be able to talk him into stopping by the shop and picking up some pieces.

By that time, TnC should have their pieces back in stock. Given the choice, I'd rather buy from TnC, but that's just a personal bias.


Edit 2: I received an email response back -
[FONT=微軟正黑體]Thanks for your enquiry. Yes, we can ship the E2C adapter to the US for you.[/FONT]
[FONT=微軟正黑體]The price of E2C is USD21.20/pc, delivery charge not included.[/FONT]

[FONT=微軟正黑體]Normally we arrange to deliver our merchandise to the customers by EMS Speedpost or by Registered Air Mail at customers' expense;[/FONT]
[FONT=微軟正黑體]and the shipping/mailing cost is depending on the weight of the merchandise as well as the place to be shipped. [/FONT]

[FONT=微軟正黑體]FYI, if we sent this E2C to you by Registered Air Mail, the mailing cost will be USD3.20 ;[/FONT]
[FONT=微軟正黑體]ie : total cost will be USD24.40[/FONT]

[FONT=微軟正黑體]As for the payment method, please be informed we do accept payment either be made by western Union , T/T(wire transfer) or Visa Card[/FONT]
[FONT=微軟正黑體]at your own preference; but as the concerned amount is just USD24.40; we do recommend to settle the payment by Visa Card.[/FONT]

[FONT=微軟正黑體]If we can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact us.[/FONT]

[FONT=微軟正黑體]Best Regards,
Customer Service Rep.
Supreme Co.
Tel: (852) 2780 8818
Fax: (852) 2780 7856
[/FONT][FONT=微軟正黑體][email protected][/FONT]

Their website may be having issues, but it seems they are still open for business.
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I sincerely appreciate the offer but I hate to impose on anybody else's schedule. I'm sure something or other will turn up for me. This thread has generated some useful ideas and information.