Need serious thrower advice


Newly Enlightened
Aug 13, 2009

please advice me- what flashlight is really thrower..?

My wishes:

1. 2 or 3 18650 batteries
2. good for long distances ( 200- 300 meters) beam

I haw
UltraFire MCU WF-1200L SSC P7-C, Solarforce L950m, [FONT=宋体]UltraFire RL-2088 OSRAM LED 1200 Lumen High power Flashlight . All of they flashlights has a lot of lumens, but
all haw really wide beam...

Please recommend flashlight, who haw output like L950 or Ultrafire RL-2008, but beam is throw ?

Thanks for answers
and sorry- my English is no wery good...
I'm not sure if there are throwers in your high-power class.

Best I know would be Jetbeam Raptor RRT-1 or Tiablo (A10-G?)

Perhaps someone can tell you about aspherical lenses, I think those can be combined with high output emitters to get real throw.

In my world, a Raptor RRT-2 is enough... :candle:
The extreme would be DEFT. Subsequently, Dereelight DBS + Aspherical Lens and Tiablo A9 + Aspherical Lens. Next is Ultrafire Recoil LED WF-008.
Or as mentioned Jetbeam Raptor 1 or Tiablo A10-G.

Hi ,

thanks for You's comments.

How compare JetBeam RRT-1 Raptor vs JetBeam M1X ?? What has a better

And P.S. maybe worth wait for Raptor-3 using Luminus SST-90 ????

At that distance a wide beam will tend to make it hard to see what you are shining the light at, especially if it is a particularly humid night. You want something with a thin beam. Those distances are pushing it for LEDs, at least if you plan on actually seeing what you are shining the light at. Sure, LED lights should be able to put some light on an object at those distances, but you probably don't be able to identify what that object is.
A cheap supermarket/hardware store HID Spotlight will be FAR better at those distances than any fancy ultra-expensive highly-especialized LED thrower, period.
What if he wants to be able to put it in his pocket? He's posting on the LED forum, not the HID forum. What HID's take 18650 batteries?
The whole Wolf-Eyes Boxer line and many compact "tactical" HID lights from Microfire. These are very pocketable lights compared to those Quad-Die LED Behemoths out there...There are many other cheaper generic models that also take 18650 cells.
I have a solarforce L2 running on a 1x18650 with the dereelight 3SD R2 with the smooth reflector, and for a budget thrower, it works REALLY well, i can see my dog running away from me at 250+ yards as long as i can keep him in the beam. (i love labs...just not young ones) This is a VERY impressive setup if you want to stay away from lenses and focusing and awkward looking lights. But lenses are the way to go if you want ULTIMATE throw, mine may be a higher-end throw for LEDs but lenses put you over the top.
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The whole Wolf-Eyes Boxer line and many compact "tactical" HID lights from Microfire. These are very pocketable lights compared to those Quad-Die LED Behemoths out there...There are many other cheaper generic models that also take 18650 cells.

Any chance to take a peek of pic for size comparison? I'm interested to check out a pocketable HID, that's what I'd call a pocket thrower. So far I know, the only pocketable is EZ NITE, but not too sure what's new that is same size or smaller than that now. As a thrower, of course. :)
The whole Wolf-Eyes Boxer line and many compact "tactical" HID lights from Microfire. These are very pocketable lights compared to those Quad-Die LED Behemoths out there...There are many other cheaper generic models that also take 18650 cells.

The Boxer doesn't throw as well as some of the super throwing LED lights, like the Tiablo A10, Aspheric DBS, Asperic Tiablo A9.

Boxer Spot Focus Spot 35100 Lux

thanks for all, but HID is not applicable for my.

I prefer only LED flashlight.

I use flashlight for target identification on long range.
In Lithuania, where I live, I legally hunt wild bore with flashlight.

thanks for all, but HID is not applicable for my.

I prefer only LED flashlight.

I use flashlight for target identification on long range.
In Lithuania, where I live, I legally hunt wild bore with flashlight.

Does it have to be weapon mountable or just a searchlight, in which case, why couldn't it be HID? 300 yards is really a bit far for any LED. 200 yards is do-able though. How about the Jet Beam Raptor or if you're looking for more output the M1X?

Vangard in .308! Sound's like a great boar set-up to me. :twothumbs Btw, that particular stock and action take very well to glass bedding. Yes, it's already a synthetic stock but the glassing really eliminates action slop and shot to shot consistency. I bedded a MarkV in .308 and it shot .6" groups with reloads or Federal premium ammo. I may have some pictures but I'll have to scan them in since they're prints.