I've been scrambling the cheapest parts available for a ROP here and there for the best part of a year now(yeah, I know that's not the best way of getting a working ROP, but funds are meager as a student). So I finally got some cheap 3AA-to-D-adapters from Kaidomain yesterday and eagerly(remember, I've had this brewing for almost a year now...) set the whole thing up. I guess you allready have anticipated my dissapointment after I turned the light on. Nothing, nada, zit, rien happened.
So could anybody help me out what's wrong now?
The relevant parts (I guess) are:
1. One very old maglite 2D. It's been sitting around for a long time, but works fine on 2Ds on the regular bulb and a LED-dropin I tried.
2. 6 Fujicell 2700 mAh NiMH AAs from lighthound. I heard that they are not the best, but that's what I've got to work with. And they have been fine in other applications.
3. 2 3AA-to-D adapters from Kaidomain. I'm guessing these are no way close to Fivemegas adapters (just saw the thread with the comparision) but I thought that they would at least squeeze out a couple of lumens out the front. When I tested the voltage in series with the adapter, I got 8,14V. Could someone tell me what the ROP-bulbs are rated at? Or is it something else I should look for. I have a very cheap voltmeter we got on our basic electronics course(which I barely passed), but not sure how to use it to look up other stuff.
4. And last but not the least, the bulbs. I've had a package of ROP-bulbs sitting in a drawer for ages. They seem to be fine, filament is intact and so. Is there some way to check if it's something wrong with the bulbs. I don't think I have fried them, cause I didn't hear or smell anything when I turned them on, but I might be wrong.
Which one of the above is it that is the fault? Or am I barking up the wrong tree entirely?
Thankfull for any kind of help here.
So could anybody help me out what's wrong now?
The relevant parts (I guess) are:
1. One very old maglite 2D. It's been sitting around for a long time, but works fine on 2Ds on the regular bulb and a LED-dropin I tried.
2. 6 Fujicell 2700 mAh NiMH AAs from lighthound. I heard that they are not the best, but that's what I've got to work with. And they have been fine in other applications.
3. 2 3AA-to-D adapters from Kaidomain. I'm guessing these are no way close to Fivemegas adapters (just saw the thread with the comparision) but I thought that they would at least squeeze out a couple of lumens out the front. When I tested the voltage in series with the adapter, I got 8,14V. Could someone tell me what the ROP-bulbs are rated at? Or is it something else I should look for. I have a very cheap voltmeter we got on our basic electronics course(which I barely passed), but not sure how to use it to look up other stuff.
4. And last but not the least, the bulbs. I've had a package of ROP-bulbs sitting in a drawer for ages. They seem to be fine, filament is intact and so. Is there some way to check if it's something wrong with the bulbs. I don't think I have fried them, cause I didn't hear or smell anything when I turned them on, but I might be wrong.
Which one of the above is it that is the fault? Or am I barking up the wrong tree entirely?
Thankfull for any kind of help here.