Need Some Help


Newly Enlightened
Jul 4, 2010
I am in the process of rigging up a bowfishing boat, for those of you that dont know what that is (its a boat i am going to right up wiht a bunch of lights and cruise aroudn at night and shoot invasive fish) So i have a couple of questions. What type of light is going to put out a whole of of light and not use a whole bunch of power, i will be using a 3600-4000 watt generator i am thinking. I dont want to go to big on the generator because it adds a lot of weight to the boat and i want to get the most out of my generator and the greatest ammount of light. I dont want to spend an arm and a leg on the lighting system. In the past i have use just normal work lamps and they seem to do ok but they can get hot and if water splashes on them sometimes the glass will break. I was wandering if there in an led out that would put out enough candlepower to still be able to see in the water? I want to put these lights on teh front of the boat. I can post pictures of boats with lights on them so you can get an idea of what i am wanting to do if it would help. Also the height off the water adn the angle of the light i am sure play and effect into the quality of what i can see. Please let me know what your thoughts are. (I hope this in the right Thread)


Anything HID....

A pair of 35W HID lights should provide plenty of light for what you're doing. This wouldn't even require a generator, only a good deep cycle battery.

Visit as you'll get some good ideas there.