Need something to wake me up


Newly Enlightened
Mar 23, 2010
Hey Guys,

This is a crazy request but an extreme I feel that I need to go to. I can't wake up in the mornings. I have a timer set on my floor lamp but that thing is just not bright enough.

I have been reading up on spotlights and bright flashlights. I need one that I can aim directly at my face, can open my eyes with my pupils nice and dilated and not go blind. But I still want it to be damn bright :)

What would you suggest for this application. I'm basically trying to mimic the sun, which I realize is impossible, but I want to get as close as possible, for say, a maximum of $50 :)

Let me know what you think.

Welcome to CPF, McDizzle :)

LOL, you must be a heavy sleeper. If you fix up a Mag623 to point at your face, that will give you plenty of light, and if you have a thread in front of it with a hammer hanging on the end, it will burn through the thread quite quickly when it comes on, then the hammer will fall with a tremendous clatter on to the metal items (pots, pans, garbage pail etc) you have placed beneath it. That should help wake you up, lol
Dude, that is realy funny :)))
How about a frying pan above your head connected to a timer ? :D
The cheapest solution for You that I can think of is some standard work light powered from the wall socket thru a timer...something off of ebay - search for "work light" You can get one for 20,30 bucks easly and it will be freakin bright :p
Most stereo's and tv's have alarm functions in them, if I'm really really tired and need to get a few hours before work I'll set them as well for a bit of backup, also set your cell phone and take it to bed with you.

As far as bright lights, unless it's strobing I doubt it would serve much good purpose, it might even make you feel warm and cozy, but as long as it is in a safe place (because they get hot and it's on a timer and doesn't know if you have a shirt hanging on it) a work or security flood on a stand would really fit the bill. You need alot more than a floor lamp.

Seriously just when I thought I have read it all, CPF never fails.

I really don't know what to suggest but if anything ever catches my eye, no pun intended I will for sure remember this thread and post back. Thanks
I have a craftsman twin halogen work light...escelates 8', and runs at 50 or 100 watt...set it to 100 watt and to a'll wake you up...the heat will if the light doesn't at first...

I have a craftsman twin halogen work light...escelates 8', and runs at 50 or 100 watt...set it to 100 watt and to a'll wake you up...the heat will if the light doesn't at first...


x2... get yourself a work area flood light... and just blast it at your face. You can find them at home depot and OSH for not much $$$.

You should be forewarned that HID spotlights in this price range can emit DANGEROUS levels of unfiltered UV, enough to damage your eyesight. So, stick with incans.

Seriously though... just go to bed earlier.
Perhaps a strobe light placed on the other side of the room would be sufficiently annoying to get you out of the sack.
I think DM51 has been watching a few cartoons, lol. Seriously, if your a heavy sleeper only sound would wake you up. With a light, you'd probably just roll over or pull the blanket over your head. None of these idea's will help if there's a Mrs McDizzle.
Another idea would involve using a alarm clock, a standard microphone and a sound system, I think you get the idea. It might wake up the whole neighbourhood, but it will get the job done.
I saw an alarm clock somewhere that was a light that slowly got brighter to mimic the sunrise and wake you up. Not sure how bright itis though. I think Philips makes it.
You sound like my lil bro. When we were growing up our rooms were right next to each other. We woke up at the same time but he would set his alarm two hours before we woke up. When the alarm went off he would just hit the snooze button for the next two hours every fifteen minutes. I unfortunately could not do that and woke up right away and had to listen to his alarm for the next two hours.
Maybe you just need to set the TV really loud or buy a sound system with an alarm and put some loud heavy metal.
I used to have a hard time waking up... multiple things helped:
going to bed earlier
no TV and just relaxing activities for an hour before bedtime
no BRIGHT flashlight usage before bedtime

but the one thing that helped the most was to set my alarm 2 hours ahead... you REALLY wake up when you think you're already late!
For simple improvements take apart your alarm clock, cut out the bottom of a plastic cup, stick the speaker in the middle, then direct it at you.

I have made some radical designs...such as a old bell type fire alarm rigged up to a powersupply with the analog settings just right and leave the power on. Plug the power supply into a xmas light timer, set time you need to wake up, then plug it in the wall.

At the crack of dawn it will wake up everyone including both sides of neighbors and those across the pond...I would not recommend this at all but if your a terminal sound sleeper I'd try it. I may have an extra bell for you to try:thumbsup:
Welcome to CPF, McDizzle :)

LOL, you must be a heavy sleeper. If you fix up a Mag623 to point at your face, that will give you plenty of light, and if you have a thread in front of it with a hammer hanging on the end, it will burn through the thread quite quickly when it comes on, then the hammer will fall with a tremendous clatter on to the metal items (pots, pans, garbage pail etc) you have placed beneath it. That should help wake you up, lol

Are you familiar with Rube Goldberg?
... dump a roast turkey on your head?

LMAO to the sonic alarm clock. I am totally thinking about buying that.

And as for the sleep thing, I'm pretty sure I have seasonal affective disorder and need the light to help me wake up. I live in a basement for now and it really sucks. I go to bed earlier, later, and every time in between and it doesn't seem to help.

Thanks for the suggestions though :)

PS. Mrs McDizzle does not approve of sonic alarms that shake your bed or eye melting light, but she may have to deal for quality of life, lol.

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