I had both my Fenix P2D Q5 Premium and a SF 6P LED at an outdoor auction early in the spring. The folks at the center had forgotten to get the maintenance folks to turn the outdoor lights on - the Olympic+ sized pool, ringed by tables of donated artwork and finer products, was suddenly in the dark as the sunlight faded. The auction ended early - but no one could secure the bids - or items - until my two lights appeared. Then, of course, I had to follow the ladies around... to 'protect' my lights. I felt bad demanding their return - which hastened once I told them what they cost.
Last weekend, at the in-laws, my f-i-l finally saw my little Fenix. They R-V a lot - and need to walk their Schnauzers at night... it'd be perfect. He had seen the 6P LED at Lowes - and thought $95 with s/t was 'too much'. He said the little one, with it's different levels and one battery, was worth it. I nearly lost my P2D! He didn't want to relinguish it. I told him about the 'F-S' - and their prices. He claimed internet ignorance... yeah, right! I fixed him - got my P2D back - and ordered him one Tuesday. That'll teach him! Of course, I did have to use my CC. I should have thought this through a bit better. I'll also have to deliver it Friday. Be careful about showing off your favorite lights!
Last weekend, at the in-laws, my f-i-l finally saw my little Fenix. They R-V a lot - and need to walk their Schnauzers at night... it'd be perfect. He had seen the 6P LED at Lowes - and thought $95 with s/t was 'too much'. He said the little one, with it's different levels and one battery, was worth it. I nearly lost my P2D! He didn't want to relinguish it. I told him about the 'F-S' - and their prices. He claimed internet ignorance... yeah, right! I fixed him - got my P2D back - and ordered him one Tuesday. That'll teach him! Of course, I did have to use my CC. I should have thought this through a bit better. I'll also have to deliver it Friday. Be careful about showing off your favorite lights!