New Clicky CR123 Ultrafire light.

Been waiting for one of these. Ordered one yesterday.
Give us a run down when you got yours. I have been waiting for the clicky CR123 for awhile. Fortunately Novatac come out with its line of EDCs. I have pre-ordered the 120P and don't mind getting this one if it is good.

Also waiting the report to know if it's as good or better than 602 twisty.

Ready to press buy button again.:naughty:

I just got the light today, and something is not right with it. It's direct drive, but it's nowhere near as bright as the Semilar twisty.

That light pulls 1000+ma and this one is more like 350ma. I know that it should be about the same, but I've sanded both ends of the tube and re-soldered the star and the printed circiut where the positive end of the battery connects, but no change.

Anybody had any success with fixing this light?
Mine arrived yesterday, the clicky is a nice feature, but stiff. Its a direct drive LED without any heatsink compound and the LED star is not fastened to the lower aluminum module. It's pretty bright on a RCR123 but the twisty 602D1 that is HAIII is brighter. The reflector fits loose in the head and can get off centered. My initial thoughts that it was a not bad have changed to I wouldn't buy it again..

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