New E2E!


Nov 15, 2007
Hey eveyone, I got my new E2E! The last one they had at Bass Pro was the display model, so I inspected it very good and it seemed all right. They store them in a little glass case, so it hasn't been abused. The only thing not perfect about it is the anodizing on the body where it meets with the head has a slightly discolored patch, but that is not a functional problem. I figured if I have any problems with it, SureFire's warranty will cover it.

My one question is, the blister pack says "Hard Anodized", so do I have the HAIII version? It is grey in color.

Now I just need to order my rechargeables and the LF LAs to trick it out.:D

On a side note, the employee checking me out said, "Wow, that is a lot of money for such a small flashlight!"
I replied with, "Not really, in fact I am going to spend another $50+ dollars to get it exactly the way I want it."
Employee, ":eek::faint:!" Some people just don't understand...
I know what you mean when you say "some people don't understand". :)

That's why you're here isn't it :)

The hard anodized coating on your e2e is a grey colour (referred to as HA-NAT or natural colour hard anodize), but depending on the batch it can range from light grey to dark grey to an olive green. Variation in coating colour between batches is a common industry problem.

edit: even HA in black doesn't escape - there the parts vary from black to deep purple

The colour doesn't affect how tough the surface is.

Enjoy your light, especially with the LF mods!
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Thanks Grox, I wanted to know about the HA because the other finish option is "satin grey", and mine is grey, so I wasn't sure which one I got.

And of course that's why I'm here; I gives me hope that there are still some sane people out there:D, or at least people as crazy as me...;)
I have never owned a satin gray light. But from what I understand, satin grey is a nice shiny finish, whereas HA-NAT (at least on the lights I own) is dull in comparison.

Surefire have pictoral comparisons on the E2E's page here.
Mine is not shiny, so it is most likely HA. It is interseting that the two different finishes in that link are two different style E2Es... Anybody know anything about that?
Well despite it's name, SF's Satin Grey lights are basically shiny brushed aluminum type finishes. This is an e2e in Satin Grey

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Nice score!!! I still say I don't think you can call you're self a flashaholic unless you own an E2E!!!!!
And no, most don't "Get it!!!" My BIL was admiring my Novatac, two days later he was teling me he had looked them up on the net, he wanted one. "MAN, that little sucker is expensive!!" I said "Yup, and I just bought a set of rechargable batteries and a charger for it as well." I'm not sure he is going to buy one now:naughty:
Congratulations! You are just getting started and the E2E is a terrific, little light! Think about getting a Lumens Factory EO-E2R, 150 lumens bulb that will allow you to run 2 X RCR123, rechargeables. Have you ordered a new SureFire catalog? You'll need one to drool all over, also, be sure you set SureFire's, Lighthound's, Battery Junction's and some others' websites under your "Favorites" bookmarks, too. This is a great hobby that others don't quite understand, but compared to stamp or coin collecting, it sure is alot more interesting and exciting, especially when you're anxiously awaiting the next delivery! It's also, alot cheaper than maintaining and paying for a $125K motorhome! So, my advice is budget yourself, try to control it, don't max-out your credit cards, and have lots of fun.
Good luck and welcome!
awesome! nice grab on the E2E!
One question though, did you buy the model that they let customers handle, or did you buy one that was in a blister pack? if the first option is the correct one, did you get a discount of some sort? Just wondering…

I bought the one they let the customers handle, they had the blister pack it came in. I didn't get a discount, but I didn't ask for one either... I would have just ordered one from SureFire, but I had a giftcard to use, so I just bought that one. If anything messes up on it I would think that they would warranty it.
More power to ya but I'm DONE buying incandescent lights!

I did a comparison between P60 and P60L earlier and I MUCH prefer the LED!

As an aside the P60 will eat 2x123 about every hour. The LED will go at LEAST 3 hours on a pair.

No contest!

I do admire the size of the E2 however!!!
I don't think I would ask for a discount because the bass pro near me keeps them in a Locked glass display box too and you can ask to see them but they stay with you the whole time so not much misuse can happen. Congrats!!

I don't think I would ask for a discount because the bass pro near me keeps them in a Locked glass display box too and you can ask to see them but they stay with you the whole time so not much misuse can happen. Congrats!!


Yeah, at mine they keep them in a glass case too, and when they open it, an employee is always there watching you like a hawk.
whoah… at my sportsman's warehouse they put out like three lights and just left me there with them, did the same thing with like three boxes of SF accessories. I was kind of surprised…

I want an E2e, is there much of a difference between the E2e's 60 lumens vs. 6p/g2's 65 lumens?

I have a g2 and a 6p, I'm just looking for a point of reference.

Also, are the tailcaps reliable? I remember a while back they had a bunch of broken and busted tailcaps.
I want an E2e, is there much of a difference between the E2e's 60 lumens vs. 6p/g2's 65 lumens?

I have a g2 and a 6p, I'm just looking for a point of reference.

It is very hard for the human eye to notice a difference of 5 lumens, so you shouldn't notice much of a difference.
