new infinity ultra M is REAL dim...


Sep 12, 2007
Georgia, C.S.A.
i got a gerber infinity ultra M with red LED today ( a bunch a junk i ordered came today !!). i put in the duracell AA with it, and even in a totally dark room, this thing was almost useless. i mean, if i was hunkered down in a foxhole in the middle of the night, i'd probably be able to read my watch without too much trouble, but i wouldn't want to change a tire with it. is the red LED a factor ? are all these lights this weak? or have i gotten a bogus unit ?
I have an Infinity ultra with a white LED and kinda dim. About the same as a Fenix E0. My friend has the Red LED IU, and yeah, its pretty dim. Alot dimmer than the white LED
I wonder if there's a problem with it. I had the old style infinity in red and there was always enough light to walk around inside of a pitch black house. Maybe try cleaning the contact with a q-tip and alcohol and try a different battery. Aside from that I haven't any more ideas. It's a fairly simple light. Can you send it back if it's a lemon?
i got a gerber infinity ultra M with red LED today ( a bunch a junk i ordered came today !!). i put in the duracell AA with it, and even in a totally dark room, this thing was almost useless. i mean, if i was hunkered down in a foxhole in the middle of the night, i'd probably be able to read my watch without too much trouble, but i wouldn't want to change a tire with it. is the red LED a factor ? are all these lights this weak? or have i gotten a bogus unit ?

I have both the white and red led version, and the white is plenty bright. I assume the same circuit topology is for the red version, but agree it doesn't seem that bright. I actually took a shower with mine and by the end of the shower it seemed brighter. I can only assume that perhaps if your eyes get used to the dark (30 mins or so for full effect) the red led HELPS you see more detail then no light at all. Remember that the red led is only really good for preserving night vision when you already have it. Turning off the lights and tryring the red led is sure to disappoint. I haven't had that chance to go out and wait for my night vision to come to me out and walking, but I assume if you sleep in a dark room at night if you wake up to go to the bathroom give it a try.
yeah, you guys are probably right. since it's designed to preserve night vision,using it assumes your eyes are already in the low light, night vision mode. i'll try it for a midnight bathroom run, also switch the battery,just in case. thanks y'all....
On the Gerber site the pic of the regular Ultra with red led shows the led glowing and theres some spill by it, but the Ultra-M just shows a dimmer red glow in the emitter. I'm sure the M version is intentionally dimmer since it is for militairy uses.