New member on a quest for first custom EDC flashlight


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 14, 2014
Vancouver B.C., Canada
Hello everyone, I'm very new to CPF.(This is actually only my second posting). Somehow, I've become addicted to flashlights and I'm looking to purchase my first custom flashlight for EDC carry. My search started at Mac's website. In fact I was ready to purchase a Tri-EDC just last week when I noticed his site was down. I guess it worked out because that led me here to find out that he may not even be taking on any new orders. So now I'm looking for suggestions. I'm lookin for something may more on the floody side, not too big, and well constructed. Currently I'm pondering on the Mcgizmo mule, The Tain Flute, and the lux-rc fl33 has peaked my interest although it seems a little unattainable do to the long wait time due to back orders. Any suggestions would be appreciated. thanks.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 27, 2013
On The Black Pearl
I would suggest monitoring the WTS Custom & exotic zone here.

You seem to have selected some fine examples already. If you want more flood, then the Mule is the way to go. The Flute does it all well and is a bit smaller with less flood. I can say that if you get the Flute, it is a great way to start out. Very easy to EDC a Flute. Plus the Trits make it really nice. Gizmos won't have a factory trit option. I have no experience with the Lux.

I have the gizmo & tain, I carry & use the tain more. But that is a 100% personal opinion.

Welcome to the forum & good luck.