**NEW** Nitecore TM26


Jan 7, 2012
Does anyone know what that little piece of string that comes with the accessories is for? I'm sure it's something obvious and I'm going to look like a moron for asking, but I can't figure it out. lol.
You moron! Just kidding, just kidding. :devil:
You're not the first to ask, nor will you be the last. I think I read about the string before I even received my TM11, but I'm not sure I would have gotten it straight away otherwise either. :confused:


Newly Enlightened
Feb 6, 2013
I have quite good local offer for TM26.
Ofc it's not 195$ but taking into account that buying it in IS means for me = additional tax+shipping cost+duty+vat (23%), and in the end about 3 weeks of delivery, local offer is in total only a bit more expencive.
Also reading this thread gived me feeling that significant % of TM26's can be faulty (problems with charging, oled etc.). Cost of eventuall resending it back in that case + time wasted on it would be disaster.

Thing is that this good offer is only for 3500 Lumen version. Now im wonder if new version has anything changed beside of oled color(?) + new LEDs. Most likely 3,5k vs 3,8k lumens is unnoticable by human eye. But maby they also improved something with low - charging "issue", interface, or anything else.

Could you give some input here? :)

In the end I have ZL s6330 and was planning to rather go for a thrower this time, since my Tk70 is getting a bit old :) Don't you think that Tm26 and s6330 are more or less similliar, with some differences (much smaller with more levels and firefly mode, better flood, vs better throw, oled and charger)?

e: One more thing - don't think it was covered before. Is it possible to plug charger and in the same time set flashlight on? Or when charging it cannot be set on?

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Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
Does anyone know what that little piece of string that comes with the accessories is for? I'm sure it's something obvious and I'm going to look like a moron for asking, but I can't figure it out. lol.

Its just to make feeding lanyard through as its thicker.Feed thin piece through light,put the lanyard across one end,thin piece over lanyard and back through hole(same way as 1st time through),then pull both ends through which takes the larger lanyard through hole............if makes sense


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 16, 2013
Michigan, USA
Thing is that this good offer is only for 3500 Lumen version. Now im wonder if new version has anything changed beside of oled color(?) + new LEDs. Most likely 3,5k vs 3,8k lumens is unnoticable by human eye. But maby they also improved something with low - charging "issue", interface, or anything else.

As far as I know the emitter change is the only difference. Much easier to change LEDs than to redesign the circuitry. The difference in lumens is minor, as you say you probably won't even be able to notice the difference.

In the end I have ZL s6330 and was planning to rather go for a thrower this time, since my Tk70 is getting a bit old :) Don't you think that Tm26 and s6330 are more or less similliar, with some differences (much smaller with more levels and firefly mode, better flood, vs better throw, oled and charger)?

The TM26 is a flooder with decent throw, way more than the S6330. But the hotspot is large enough, and the spill bright enough, that at long range a true thrower with way fewer lumens will be more effective. It just depends on what you want out of it...no one else can tell you what your priorities should be.

One more thing - don't think it was covered before. Is it possible to plug charger and in the same time set flashlight on? Or when charging it cannot be set on?

I think it was covered in one of the TM26 threads, but there are so many posts I can't blame anyone for asking a specific question again. If I recall correctly, it cannot be turned on while charging.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 28, 2013
New Mexico, USA
Warsaw-guessing you live in Poland? Buying from a local dealer if possible and reasonable is what I would do. You do stand a good chance of getting a good light, not a defect, though. Because the beam on the TM26 is so wide, many would not consider it a thrower although it does throw quite a ways. Vinhn, here on the forum could modify a torch to make a supreme thrower, with a model you already have or something different. That's what I would do. It takes research (which is interesting).

Using a cell phone while charging the battery can cause overheating, not good for the battery but probably OK for a brief time. Since I want to take care of the 4X18650 battery investment, charging while using the light won't be done, don't know if it CAN be done, though.

The TM26 readout is so handy, good reason to buy one but it sounds like you could wait to assess if the white display might be preferable. A little more output doesn't hurt either. I won't be upgrading to the latest model.

We need some more feedback to help this person.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 16, 2013
Michigan, USA
If anyone has the white OLED version, I would be thankful if you posted a pic. I'm curious to see what it actually looks like in situ.


Newly Enlightened
Feb 6, 2013
Thanks you thedoc007 and KITROBASKIN.
I indeed live in Poland. This good offer is only for this one piece. It's about 15% more expensive than total price of getting one for 195$+costs. But I can have it quick and with local warranty. Seller will also have new model soon, but the gap of the prices will be higher (rather no-go).

I have to reconsider it, and most likely i will take 3,5k lumen model. If there will be no info about any more improvements beside LEDs).



Dec 3, 2009
Frisco, TX
Thanks you thedoc007 and KITROBASKIN.
I indeed live in Poland. This good offer is only for this one piece. It's about 15% more expensive than total price of getting one for 195$+costs. But I can have it quick and with local warranty. Seller will also have new model soon, but the gap of the prices will be higher (rather no-go).

I have to reconsider it, and most likely i will take 3,5k lumen model. If there will be no info about any more improvements beside LEDs).


Or you might wait for the next S6330. Not saying it will throw any further, but would be brighter. It has been confirmed on another thread that Zebralight will be releasing a new 6330 next year(early).


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 16, 2013
Michigan, USA
Or you might wait for the next S6330. Not saying it will throw any further, but would be brighter. It has been confirmed on another thread that Zebralight will be releasing a new 6330 next year(early).

That goes back to what I said earlier, he needs to decide what he wants, throw, flood, mix, etc.

I'm also highly dubious the new S6330 will be brighter than the TM26, it will be brighter than the old S6330, undoubtedly, but the TM26 has an extra LED and an extra cell. To get comparable lumens, they would have to overdrive the LED (not likely when you have a warranty) or add an LED, which would make it significantly larger than the old model. Heat would also be a problem in a light that small.

Zebralight also has a history of late releases, and insufficient product to meet demand. Who knows when you could actually get your hands on a light?


Dec 3, 2009
Frisco, TX
True. The issue becomes, size, and weight for the amount of lumens that it produces(at least in my opinion). I prefer the zebralight interface and switching, versus the nitecore. Although I have been tempted to give the TM26 a try. If throw is the only desire, then as you mentioned, the TM26 would throw further than the current zebralight, but he already has a TK70 which throws better than the 6330, but is much larger.

Also, I needed to be more clear that the 6330 would likely be brighter than the current 6330 not necessarily the tm26. Then again for total lumens and size, Warsaw might consider the Lupine Betty TL2-s for 4500 lumens on max and smaller and lighter than the tm26, but at 4 times the cost. Good to have options.


Newly Enlightened
Feb 6, 2013
I will for sure skip next generation of S6330. There are many factors - but mainly - present model has already thermal management problems imo - because of size it's getting hot in no time. Additional lumens wont help. I also had a problems with each ZL's flashlight i bought (maybe just a bad luck), and i decided to part my ways with this company for some time (rather separation than divorce though ;))

Beside there are different technologies, companies, styles on the market and after i was faithfull to Fenix for a long time, now I'm choosing different options with each purchase. So i would not buy the same light because of "facelift".

TM26 is very tempting - power/size/oled/charger. And most likely i will go for it :) I'm just a bit worried that few days after I'll get it, next generation TM will be presented, and it will be thrower with oled (TM36).

PS. Lupine is out of my price-comfort by far.

I'm off - messing in this topic with different flashlight than TM26


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 29, 2003
...present model has already thermal management problems imo - because of size it's getting hot in no time...
I am not sure if you know what you are talking about here. I would be very worried if the light doesn't get hot. I hate hot lights personally, but for something driven so bright the heat has to travel away from the LEDs so as not to damage them. Only with good heat sinking does the heat travel away from the LEDs to the surface of the body, and that's why the light feels hot. It is not a case of thermal management issue as what you have stated. The TM26 would get very hot in a couple of minutes on max output too.


Newly Enlightened
Feb 6, 2013
pjandyho I believe i know what I'm talking about. It may be matter of my english skills though.
What i mean is - s6330 is so small that it's output makes it very hot in short period of time. I meassured 54C on surface that termal control system is trying to keep, but it goes beyond 65C if you press it off/on a time or two while it was hot already. Mainly because it starts again on max and decrease output in multiple steps by some time. 54C on surface is quite uncomfortable for me. Let's call it "problem with heat-sink because of high output vs small mass" instead of "thermal management problems". OK? :) And I totally agree with you that they did great job with transfering heat from leds to surface - you can feel it is getting warm in a seconds after pressing "on".
I can imagine that TM26 is also getting hot quickly - it is bigger but it has higher output. But if you read again what I'v wrote you will discover that it was related only to 2nd generation of S6330 with most likely even higher output.

And lastly "I would be very worried if the light doesn't get hot" - try to walk with Fenix Tk70 (moving it a bit). It wont get hot, hardly warm in specific spots on head, and I'm not worried about it. I believe it's because of output (still 2,2k lumens) vs mass ratio ;-)

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Newly Enlightened
Nov 28, 2013
...stupid retyping because of missed security question...

Anyway, I just received my IS TM26 and like everyone else, I'm surprised how small this thing is in hand. Very impressed.

Now for the retarded-newbie-can't-read-for-comprehension part of the post: I could have sworn I read that Panasonic Panasonic 3400mAh NCR18650B Flat Tops worked fine in this. If that's the case, mine doesn't. I hear the batteries rattling around in there a little and even though they all check out around 3.7v on my DMM, there's no eye searing goodness when I hit the power button. Hooking the charger up just shows a blinking garbled OLED screen (same as the head by itself).

So, if the above batteries are known not the be good for the TM26 what should I get? And more importantly, anyone know of a retail brick and mortar place to get them?

Grr :banghead:


Nov 10, 2012
Auburn, Wa
Looks to me flat tops will not work since the positive end seats onto a full circle ring. If you have access to a soldering iron, a drop of solder on pos. end should make those useable in that light.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 21, 2008
San Jose, CA
Excellent thank you Craig. Do you have a rough estimate and how long backorder would be out on this light??

About a week.

I could have sworn I read that Panasonic Panasonic 3400mAh NCR18650B Flat Tops worked fine in this. If that's the case, mine doesn't. I hear the batteries rattling around in there a little and even though they all check out around 3.7v on my DMM, there's no eye searing goodness when I hit the power button. Hooking the charger up just shows a blinking garbled OLED screen (same as the head by itself).

Unprotected cells are too short to work I'm afraid.

Also, if anyone wanted to know, here's a video of some thermal testing of the TM26 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0ONweptAfQ
Yes, it's 10 minutes of watching a flashlight warm up. :hitit:
