Newly Enlightened
Just wanted to introduce myself. I've been reading a lot on this forum ever since I became fascinated with LED flashlights about one year ago.
I've always liked flashlights for some reason :shrug:, might have to do with my parents giving me one of those AAA Maglites when I was a kid. I always found new uses for it, but the runtime and the output was far from optimal.
Fast forward to 2 years ago, when I acted on impulse and bought a "3W Lumiled" MXDL flashligt on eBay. Sure, most people would consider it a piece of junk compared to most of the flashlights discussed here but I was surprised of how well it performed!
So, after a lot of looking around, I finally decided to buy my first real flashligt today! I've settled on the Special Edition Q5 Fenix Digital P1D CE - in natural finish.
The flaslight was shipped right away, so now I'll just have to unpatiently wait by the mailbox... fortunately, there seems to be a lot of people here who won't mind killing some time discussing their thoughts on the P1D CE as an EDC...
So... after this rather lengty introduction... what are your thoughts on the Q5 P1D CE?
Anyone else ordered one?
Just wanted to introduce myself. I've been reading a lot on this forum ever since I became fascinated with LED flashlights about one year ago.
I've always liked flashlights for some reason :shrug:, might have to do with my parents giving me one of those AAA Maglites when I was a kid. I always found new uses for it, but the runtime and the output was far from optimal.
Fast forward to 2 years ago, when I acted on impulse and bought a "3W Lumiled" MXDL flashligt on eBay. Sure, most people would consider it a piece of junk compared to most of the flashlights discussed here but I was surprised of how well it performed!
So, after a lot of looking around, I finally decided to buy my first real flashligt today! I've settled on the Special Edition Q5 Fenix Digital P1D CE - in natural finish.
The flaslight was shipped right away, so now I'll just have to unpatiently wait by the mailbox... fortunately, there seems to be a lot of people here who won't mind killing some time discussing their thoughts on the P1D CE as an EDC...
So... after this rather lengty introduction... what are your thoughts on the Q5 P1D CE?