Newbie ... Bought 4 lights!


Newly Enlightened
Sep 13, 2010
So I've been reading CPF here for less then a month. And I think I've caught the bug.

I've bought 4 lights in the past 3 weeks...

Proton Pro, Mag XL100, Duracell Daylight(RadioShack Clearance), and 2D Mag Incan.

I love the Proton Pro and Mag XL100... Both great lights. The Duracell Daylight I saw someone post in the "Good Deals" area and had to check it out. Mag 2D Incan is for a future upgrade... I plan on geting the Malkoff Drop-in for 4-6cell lights and run 6 AA Eneloops in it ;)

Anyway... Hello all... And thanks for helping me lighten my wallet.


....Anyway... Hello all... And thanks for helping me lighten my wallet.


Hello, Slasher42 :wave:

You should probably clear your browser history, turn off the computer, and forget you ever found this site.

Your wallet and significant other will likely be much happier.

Failing that, welcome to the forum. lovecpf
My advice to newbies is follow what I did.
I buy a light. Wait for it to arrive. 1st week.
I buy a DVD from Wait for it to arrive. 2nd week.
I buy a book from Wait for it to arrive. 3rd week.
I don't get to buy another light until the 4th week.
This kind of delay allows you to check out your purchase, decide what YOU (not other CPF members) like and dislike and have a better idea of what you want and/or avoid the next time you buy.


My other piece of advice is to buy lights that fulfill different purposes so you do not buy essentially the same thing over and over again.

The Proton Pro is your EDC. You may need a backup***. (2 is 1, 1 is none)

The Mag XL100, Duracell Daylight are essentially your general purpose light. You are already duplicating your purchases. Oh well: 1 for the house, 1 for the car.

The Mag after modding is your big bad light. You don't need a P7/MCE/SST-50 light on top of that.

***Consider an AAA light for your keychain. You will have a light as long as you have your keys with you. And it can be the backup to your EDC.

A headlamp leave both you hands free. The Zebralight headlamps double as flashlights when removed from the headband. Or you can just buy a Nite-Ize headband for your Proton.

A 2D LED light for long runtime during an extended blackout. Elektrolumens Anglelux XP-G or just a 2D REBEL MagLED.

A neutral or warm tinted LED or an incan. to see how the tint change affects the colour rendition on vegetation.

Try to find a purpose 1st, then a light to fulfill that purpose. If you already have a light that already fulfills that purpose look for a different purpose.


Oh and hang on to your wallet.
I'm a newbie as well and ordered four lights just yesterday. I'm ready to place me next order after those arrive too!
Good advice from the Ninja. Something I tried to follow at first, too. But watch out. If you stay here long you'll soon be rationalizing upgrades, and that gets easier and easier. Before long you're just another bozo on this bus.

Always remember - just because a light is a good deal, doesn't mean you need one.
To back up what the Ninja said, buy your lights for purpose.

Read, read, read. Don't look at every new light that comes along and think it's a must have. Remember HDS lights are still using P4's and they are at the top of the CPF must have list. Go through the threads and see which lights come up with the fewest complaints and the most praises, that's what you want.

Avoid cheap stuff from DX and KD and if at all possible, sit on your cash and drive straight past main street and go to the high end of town. Trust me, it will save you money and you will enjoy your lights a LOT more.

$150 for a single quality light is more satisfying than buying a couple of cheaper lights only to have them not quite be what you want them to be.

And anything with a lifetime warranty is usually well worth the extra cash.
Hey thanks for the great welcome and all the helpful posts...

Right now my immediate purchases are going to be for a upgrade/drop-in for the Mag light and a good battery charger. Looking at the Maha line... Leaning towards the 8-bay charger can't recall the model # off the top of my head.

After that I'll have to see where to go... I'm really wanting to try out an aspherical for the "ultimate" throw type light. Been leaning towards getting one of the Rominsen (Spelling?) lights for that, unless someone can recommend something better?

{snip}....After that I'll have to see where to go... I'm really wanting to try out an aspherical for the "ultimate" throw type light. Been leaning towards getting one of the Rominsen (Spelling?) lights for that, unless someone can recommend something better?

Check out for your Romisen needs. He has hotter (and warm-tint) versions of the aspheric-equipped Romisens, and GREAT pricing, fast shipping.

I have the RC-C6 II and RC-29. They are the best bang-for-the-buck aspherics, IMO.
Hang onto your wallet with a death grip. Your credit/debit card will never stay intact after this.(I'm being dramatic here.)