Newbie with beamshots :)


Newly Enlightened
Dec 7, 2007
Superior, WI.
Sure, I do a little interwebnet serching for a decent flashlight, and I stumble upon this lil corner of the web, and think "what a bunch of wacos!"

So here I am, A month or two after tripping in here, you all have got me hooked. I THOUGHT I just wanted a decent little light, now I just HAVE to have some cree lights, and hid lights. So, without further delay, beamshots, albeit poor ones, of my new cpf inspired purchases;

in order 2 pics each, first at 2x the distance of the 2nd;

3d garrity (i used to think this was bright... :green: )
3c ROV 4w Sportsman
2c Cree Taskforce
35w Harbor Freight HID









Not pictured is my ROV sportsman 3w 2aa

Now I am wanting some bright, hotwire mag mods

I need help, and it is all you peoples fault! :mecry:

I think I like it here! :twothumbs
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:welcome: Hang onto your wallet, it wont take long for you to get the Surefire bug...and the Fenix bug...and the 'Buy them both' bug...

It's a good thing. :twothumbs

Exactly how I got hooked. Just researching the web for a flashlight and I stumbled here on CPF!
Thanks for the welcome guys! I am more of a reader than a poster, but I plan on sticking around! My wallet hurts already, but it seems to be stuck open... I have had my eye on the Surefire m6 at gander mountain... :huh:
GREAT first post! WELCOME to CPF!

I was hooked on lights well before I knew about CPF.

But I would never have such good ones WITHOUT CPF!

+1 on what Playboy said!! But I had cheap lights for the most part before CPF, my most expensive light being a Coast light from Lowes... I still use it at work, but it is unregulated and it eats batteries... Maybe I am just too picky.

Welcome to CPF Neubauej!!! The bottom 2 pics... which lights are they?

All the various iterations of "the bug" are well and good... it's when your postman knows your name, and greets you with "Another torch for you drew"... Then you know you're in too deep!

Seriously though, take a good long look through the Custom offer here, once you've had hand made it's hard to go back to stock!

:welcome: your paypal account / wallet are about to suffer :mecry::mecry::mecry:

start thinking on how u are going to explain to your friends your new light that cost ..... $100.00 and over :grin2:
Definitely a cool first post! :thumbsup: :welcome:

Most of my money has gone to Mr. Malkoff and DX/KD...and it was worth it too, especially in the case of the Malkoffs! :rock::rock::rock:

BTW Joe, I recently got a few MTE SSC-P4 sku: 1995s from DX and they've replaced the hard-to-push tail switches with easier ones and also made them able to tail stand. Just thought you may be interested.
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