Novatac 120p - glass lens.

I used a 22.8 x 1.9mm form here on my HDS and my Novatac. They are UCL (ultra clear glass) and are cheaper if you are interested ($4.45 vs $20). The ones you are looking at are sapphire crystal and as such are more scratch resistant than glass. IIRC the crystal with AR coating has about 90% light transmission rate whereas the UCL with AR coating has 99% light transmission. You wouldn't notice the difference but its nice to know anyway. Also take a look at a stainless steel bezel from here or a titanium one from here.

I just read that you just bought one so you need to know that on the new ones, the bezel is held on with threadlock and it is really difficult to remove without damaging the stock bezel. There are many here that have or are feeling the frustration. I finally had to use vicegrips to remove the bezel on mine. You may get lucky and receive an easier one.
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SWEET!!!!!! I was looking for the glass lens tonight as well!!!!
Still want a bezel with trits also, but.........................
I just read that you just bought one so you need to know that on the new ones, the bezel is held on with threadlock and it is really difficult to remove without damaging the stock bezel. There are many here that have or are feeling the frustration. I finally had to use vicegrips to remove the bezel on mine. You may get lucky and receive an easier one.
I believe that Sgt. LED found a technique that helps. You heat up the bezel with a hot plate then quickly expose it to freezing temps (ice in freezer). The rapid expansion/contraction is supposed to help compromise the thread lock and make it easier to unscrew. I think that's what he mentioned... correct me if I'm wrong. :confused:

I've got a question, though. I've seen on Light Hound's website a "lens removal kit" for an HDS EDC (Novatac predecessor) that includes some kind of nut key. Is this required for lens replacement on a Novatac? I was expecting that the bezel holds the lens in place, but... not sure now.
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I've got a question, though. I've seen on Light Hound's website a "lens removal kit" for an HDS EDC (Novatac predecessor) that includes some kind of nut key. Is this required for lens replacement on a Novatac? I was expecting that the bezel holds the lens in place, but... not sure now.

The lens kit nut tool will do nothing for you on a Novatac. The windows in the kit should fit fine, but the tool is specific to the HDS retaining ring. It might also work for an Arc 4, but I don't own one of those.
Can't remember exactly, but it should be the 22 mm ones.

The GID rings from Sigman are the BEST! I also use one in the space between the head and battery case (a small, maybe 16 mm one for stretch). See the Marketplace.

The other gap is filled with a lanyard ring from Lighthound (I found I don't like or use the clip, tho there is a new low profile one at Lighthound that looks good).
:huh::eek::drool: - I guess I opened up a "Pandoras Box".

Now I don`t know which one to get first.

UCL, BEZEL , GID RING ETC....:sick2::sick2::sick2:
Cheap n easy:
get the GID ring, UCL lense and either a low profile clip or lanyard ring. Also, the big tactical o-rings (basically a big fat o-ring for the skinny part of the body) are nice. I use 2, but I think garden hose o-rings would work.

More costly:
get a bezel. I just removed the black on mine and it looks pretty good (dremel with wire brush, not fun work) but a nice one with trit slots or a ti one are nice.

Another option:
different tailcap. I got an extra tactical tailcap. Nice for easy access, much easier to use for thumb operation.

I've since switched back to the flat one because I like the tailstanding so I might sell mine, but shipping is costly so would have to package it with something else.
More costly:
Get a bezel. I just removed the black on mine and it looks pretty good (dremel with wire brush, not fun work) but a nice one with trit slots or a ti one are nice.
What is the bezel made of? Stainless steel? If so, I'm thinking it would be better to just do as you did--remove it and save the $30 on a replacement. However for just a little more, you can get titanium ones. They look like stainless but you get the added strength benefit of titanium.

On the other end, Light Hound has the original black bezels for just $9.99. Plenty cheap back-up in case the bezel stripping gets botched.
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What is the bezel made of? Stainless steel? If so, I'm thinking it would be better to just do as you did--remove it and save the $30 on a replacement. However for just a little more, you can get titanium ones. They look like stainless but you get the added strength benefit of titanium.

On the other end, Light Hound has the original black bezels for just $9.99. Plenty cheap back-up in case the bezel stripping gets botched.

Xevious: When I received my 120P, I was able to remove the black bezel by hand "thankfully". I used a dremel and some semi-chrome polish on it and about five minutes later it was bright and shiny! It's personal preference, but it really looks better polished than black, at least to me anyways.

Best Regards:
just wondering, would it be easier to use paint stripper to remove the black paint on the bezel instead of having to scrub it off?
Ok, I finally got the thing off but had to get burly with it use pliers after failing with about 8 other methods. Anyhow, I've got the new glass in it with a nice looking stainless bezel. It;s a touch brighter now. I'm finally very pleased with this light.

Cheap n easy:
get the GID ring, UCL lense and either a low profile clip or lanyard ring.

gunga, please tell me more about the "low profile" clip. I think the stock clip is.....well, retarded, for lack of a better phrase.
