Hi all. Newbie here. Been lurking for a while and have always been intrigued by the Novatac 120 series, especially the 120E. Is this "too much" light for a first light? I was looking at an Eagletac P10A2 because of the 2XAA format. I'm not sure I want to deal with CR123s ($ for a general purpose have handy light) and RCR123s (seems to be a lot of time involved making sure they are properly charged/discharged). But I still love the size/simplicity/performance of the Novatacs. Maybe go with the Eagletac now and look at the 120E down the road? Would appreciate any thoughts/comments. Thanks!
I would not hesitate for one second in buying the 120E/120P. Absolutely worth every penny. I bought it for AU$185. After clicking on the Paypal button, I thought to myself, "you're an idiot for spending that much on a EDC light" Boy was I wrong when it arrived. Best light purchase I have made. You buy this one light for EDC, and you don't need to buy any other for a long long time. I've had mine for almost 2 years now and have tried a lot of lights, but at the end of the day the 120p is still my favourite EDC.
When you pick one up for the first time, it feels heavy, solid and substantial - not like a toy like most other small lights. It is almost perfect in size, not too big and not too small. I really like it's body diameter - nice and thick, not skinny like most other EDC lights.
It's UI is the most versatile i have seen and used. You can program it a million ways to your liking, and when you are bored with one particular setting, just reprogram it and whoalla - you have a new light!
The beam is just about perfect as well. smooth and has perfect combination of throw and spill. Low can be super low. High is bright enough for the purpose of an EDC.
It can use both normal cr's and rechargeable cr's.
You can get the 120E and use the special 'backdoor' code to unbreak it and turn it into a 120P. Or save your thumb the hassle and spend a little extra to get the 120P. But get it in the original HA - not in the black HA.
Oh, and don't forget to remove the stainless bezel and give it a good rub with metal polish to remove the anodizing and bring out the natural shiny stainless steel look!