Novatac 120P is still the best!


Newly Enlightened
Sep 17, 2009
After going through a lot of mass produced single cr123 lights, I have come to the conclusion that my Novatac 120P is still the best!
It's combination of the awesome programmable UI, together with it's solid as a rock construction and perfect beam, makes it a winner in my book.
Does anyone here share the same feeling, or am i just a noob who doesn't know any better?

I will stop buying anymore single cr123 lights until one that is similar to the 120P but with 250 lumens out the front is released.

BTW, what has happened with Novatac? Doesn't seem like they are releasing anymore lights lately.
Unfortunately, you're way WAY off. Actually, it's the 120P with protruding (T-version) switch that's the best single-celled mass-produced 123A light :) I favor it for the same reasons you do, in particular I think the UI is genius for its simplicity during normal operation (especially how few clicks one needs to change between 4 modes) but the flexibility of programming.
Do you know about Ra flashlights? NovaTac's engineers left and created Ra - the Ra Clicky is the new NovaTac 120P. That's why NovaTac hasn't come out with any significantly new models; they can't find a team better than the one that left. Ra is up to 170 lumen models... (I believe there were a few 200s)

The Ra Clicky is the end of my 1xCR123A road. I also have an EagleTac P10C for its sheer output in a small form factor, but so far every time I've needed more output than the Clicky I have been able to take a larger light, so it's really just for show.
If you're looking for a 120P with more lumens, why not get Sabrewolf or some other modder to stick in an MCE, a P7, or an SST emitter for you? I had a P7 put in and it's definitely my go-to light...actually, it's a toss-up between the novatac and the surefire L2 with P7.
Do you know about Ra flashlights? NovaTac's engineers left and created Ra - the Ra Clicky is the new NovaTac 120P. That's why NovaTac hasn't come out with any significantly new models; they can't find a team better than the one that left. Ra is up to 170 lumen models.

That's 170 for 10 seconds and then it's right back down to 120. ;)
I love my Novatac 120p too
i dont think i have been more than arms reach from it, other than being in the shower, for the last 2 years.
i carry other more powerful lights sometimes, but it comes along for the ride too
love my 120p. Fitted a K2 TFFc lately which improved output, throw and tint alot. It's my one and only EDC and i won't change it.

If Ra lights had a bezel-up clip as nice as the novatac's, plus trit-bezel plus the same length as the novatac i would hapily convert.

Until then Novatac is the better choice - shorter, better clip, better to find at night

Just more output can't compensate for that. Yes, supposedly the RA's are tougher too, but as of now my Novatac hasn't failed me, althoug dropped a lot, on tiles, concrete... :thumbsup:
I got hooked years ago with the Arc4+, a sweet light and still the best looking of the Arc4/HDS/Novatac/RA lineage, but the switch issues were, well troublesome. EDCed an HDS B42XRGT for years, traded up to an 85P and now a 120P. I like the UI and the build quality obviously. I like Ra as a company and Henry as a designer, but since my only issue with the HDS/Novatac lights is their size for a 123 based light (about as big as I want to EDC) the significantly larger Ra lights are moving in the wrong direction for me, despite their build quality and improvements.

Every so often I go on a search to see if I can find something that meets my needs as well as the Novatac lights, and I have yet to find anything quite as good. The closest I've found is the LF3XT from Liteflux, and while it is a very solid and well conceived light - there are a few small points where it falls slightly short - the lack of a stainless bezel being one, and the UI is good but I still like the "toggle" operation of the Novatac lights as well as the options choices, slightly better, and the LF3XT beam, while very nice for a Cree is a bit floodier than I'd ideally like. The Novatac light beam is darn near perfect for 80% of the tasks I use a light for - and I like it even more since I installed a Peu bezel with ice blue trits! :twothumbs
I was waffling over whether to purchase a Ra 170, until I learned of the LE Ti Quark, which I decided to purchase. When the Ra's come out with 200 or more lumens, and the XP-G LED, I'll buy, because they'll have a little better efficiency than the current ones, especially at high outputs.

I like the look of the Novatac a little better, but after reading several threads where big QC issues were pointed out (knurling, anodizing, etc.), I decided it would be Ra for me.
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I echo most of Gatsby's statements except I dig the LF3XT's output a little more. I have a 120E that I almost sold but it grew on me quickly so I pulled it. Fantastic beam. Used the "250 click crack" and have it dialed in the way I like. I seldom use full output but I cranked it up last night returning from a walk with my kids and it lit up the whole backyard. Lots of "oooooh"s.
Between the 120e and LF3XT I'm dialed in on CR123 lights until the new Ra Twisty is (hopefully) released.
While people knock novatac because Henry moved on I consider it a testimony to his excellent design skills that these lights endure.
My 120P has still been my primary EDC for over 2 years and has been used in construction extensively (all phases of house building) and still works perfectly. While I have the LF3XT and Ra lights I haven't really had the time to try a switch over to other lights since the Novatac seems to do everything I need it to do. I've got a custom P7 version also (the Military version of the HDS which looks just like the Novatac) that is a serious contender for taking over EDC but I'm not quite ready to use that beauty as an EDC in the construction I'm doing right now. I think the 120P is one of the most rock solid and least problematic lights out there. :thumbsup:
Hi all. Newbie here. Been lurking for a while and have always been intrigued by the Novatac 120 series, especially the 120E. Is this "too much" light for a first light? I was looking at an Eagletac P10A2 because of the 2XAA format. I'm not sure I want to deal with CR123s ($ for a general purpose have handy light) and RCR123s (seems to be a lot of time involved making sure they are properly charged/discharged). But I still love the size/simplicity/performance of the Novatacs. Maybe go with the Eagletac now and look at the 120E down the road? Would appreciate any thoughts/comments. Thanks!
Obviously, only you're qualified to pick what's best for you. But the Novatac is definitely not "too much light", regardless. Easy to use, very useful widely-spaced light levels (vs the Eagletac's choices of very bright or very very bright), much smaller and easier to carry than a 2xAA light. Good US-manufactured 123As cost <$2 each online. I wouldn't go with RCR123As right now for you, but if you're interested in rechargeables, I run my Novatac on Lifepo4 rechargeables, runs fine, safer chemistry, etc., this is a nice route to go, just keep a couple 123A primaries around for backup.

That said, I really like the Eagletac for some uses, although since even the "low" is very bright, for me it's not really a do-everything EDC, too many uses where 60 lumens is way way too bright. Love the interface, and I think it's a great choice depending on what you're looking for, it ended up on my short list for a light in this class though I bought a similar Olight.

For a do-everything easy-to-carry first light, for me it's the Novatac easily.
Hi all. Newbie here. Been lurking for a while and have always been intrigued by the Novatac 120 series, especially the 120E. Is this "too much" light for a first light? I was looking at an Eagletac P10A2 because of the 2XAA format. I'm not sure I want to deal with CR123s ($ for a general purpose have handy light) and RCR123s (seems to be a lot of time involved making sure they are properly charged/discharged). But I still love the size/simplicity/performance of the Novatacs. Maybe go with the Eagletac now and look at the 120E down the road? Would appreciate any thoughts/comments. Thanks!

I would not hesitate for one second in buying the 120E/120P. Absolutely worth every penny. I bought it for AU$185. After clicking on the Paypal button, I thought to myself, "you're an idiot for spending that much on a EDC light" Boy was I wrong when it arrived. Best light purchase I have made. You buy this one light for EDC, and you don't need to buy any other for a long long time. I've had mine for almost 2 years now and have tried a lot of lights, but at the end of the day the 120p is still my favourite EDC.
When you pick one up for the first time, it feels heavy, solid and substantial - not like a toy like most other small lights. It is almost perfect in size, not too big and not too small. I really like it's body diameter - nice and thick, not skinny like most other EDC lights.
It's UI is the most versatile i have seen and used. You can program it a million ways to your liking, and when you are bored with one particular setting, just reprogram it and whoalla - you have a new light!
The beam is just about perfect as well. smooth and has perfect combination of throw and spill. Low can be super low. High is bright enough for the purpose of an EDC.
It can use both normal cr's and rechargeable cr's.
You can get the 120E and use the special 'backdoor' code to unbreak it and turn it into a 120P. Or save your thumb the hassle and spend a little extra to get the 120P. But get it in the original HA - not in the black HA.
Oh, and don't forget to remove the stainless bezel and give it a good rub with metal polish to remove the anodizing and bring out the natural shiny stainless steel look!
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love my 120p. Fitted a K2 TFFc lately which improved output, throw and tint alot. It's my one and only EDC and i won't change it.


Just curious, where can you get the drop in K2?
Just so you know, you can get CR123 batteries online for much cheaper per battery, but you do have to buy in bulk. It's what I plan on doing when I get my Ti Quark AA, and mate it with the aluminum CR123 body. There's no way in h*ll I'm spending $7.50/battery locally.
Do you know about Ra flashlights? NovaTac's engineers left and created Ra - the Ra Clicky is the new NovaTac 120P. That's why NovaTac hasn't come out with any significantly new models; they can't find a team better than the one that left. Ra is up to 170 lumen models... (I believe there were a few 200s)

The Ra Clicky is the end of my 1xCR123A road. I also have an EagleTac P10C for its sheer output in a small form factor, but so far every time I've needed more output than the Clicky I have been able to take a larger light, so it's really just for show.

I'm in the Ra "camp" also. I had a Novatac, but decided I wanted 120 lumens for an hour instead of 30 minutes. And I have 170 lumens when I want it also.
love my 120p. Fitted a K2 TFFc lately which improved output, throw and tint alot. It's my one and only EDC and i won't change it.

If Ra lights had a bezel-up clip as nice as the novatac's, plus trit-bezel plus the same length as the novatac i would hapily convert.

Until then Novatac is the better choice - shorter, better clip, better to find at night

Just more output can't compensate for that. Yes, supposedly the RA's are tougher too, but as of now my Novatac hasn't failed me, althoug dropped a lot, on tiles, concrete... :thumbsup:

Yeah, who cares for the more output with easily twice the runtime.