Nuwai Rebels released; brief Q-100 review w/pics post #37


Aug 1, 2004
S/E Wisconsin
I received an e-mail this morning from Nuwai International Co., stating "Pleased to inform you that our latest product is on sale now....... LUXEON Rebel 100 LED Flashlight (200 Lumens) –- "Q-100" and "N-1012L." and to contact them regarding pricing.

I've been waiting for the Q-100 for a while now. If anybody knows where to get these outside of Nuwai, please share the info!

These images accompanied the e-mail.


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Re: Nuwai Rebels released

I have been waiting for this light also! (Q100) I wonder if any of our favorite flashlight stores will be stocking them.
Re: Nuwai Rebels released

The Q3 was always a fun looking light. I'd buy one just to see. If they made the circuit better, that'd be really nice.
Re: Nuwai Rebels released

Interesting. I have never owned a light from Nuwai but they sure seem to be popular on here, so they must have some good products. So what kind of operating switch do these lights utilize? One thing I notice is the clip on the 100 would be good for attaching to a hat, but not for hanging downward (the way I prefer), so that is just one thing of note. At least its removeable. Anyways I got excited when I first saw it because I thought it was some type of polycarbonate or resin, but I can live with another aluminum light.
Re: Nuwai Rebels released

QIII's are great little lights. Such a nice beam too. At the first announcement of the Q100, I got impatient and had mine modded with a 2 stage switch, aluminum heatsink and a Q5 emitter. I wonder how the brightness and beam will compare? HAIII is a nice touch though. My only other question would be - will it be a forward clicky?
Re: Nuwai Rebels released

I have a pair of the Nuwai/River Rock (Target) TM-311X .5W 2xAAA... if that admittedly dated technology is an indicator, the new units should be good. And... it should be reasonable, the 2xAAAs were $9.99 regular price - with decent batteries. Gotta watch Target...

Re: Nuwai Rebels released

Wow! That Q100 looks sweet!

I love 1xCR123 lights! :twothumbs

Does it have, really, 200 lumens ??

Where I can buy it ?
Re: Nuwai Rebels released

I remember reading in another thread that may be stocking these when they are available. Actually I started this post last year.
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Re: Nuwai Rebels released

batteryjunction would probably carry them
Re: Nuwai Rebels released

I just sent MattK from batteryjunction a PM. Will advise if I hear anything from him.
Re: Nuwai Rebels released

If the Q100 is single mode, with decent output and forward clicky I'd buy one. I'd be especially interested if it worked with 3.7V R123!
Re: Nuwai Rebels released

HAIII is supercool! R100 tint should be nice and warm too. Hopefully it's 1) Forward clicky, and 2) brighter or as bright as the Q5 mod option. Talk about this had gone so long, I had my QIII modded with a Q5, aluminum heatsink and 2 stage switch. I think somone got one from the shot show but never saw any reviews...
Re: Nuwai Rebels released

The original QIII is awesome on rcr123's! MUCH brighter. It's how I fed my QIII for months before getting her modded.

+1 without the mods. 1 1/2 yrs and still going strong on a rcr123.
Re: Nuwai Rebels released

I am not familiar with the Nuwai lights, but that Q100 looks really nice. Any speculation on price point?
