Nuwai X-3 vs L2D-CE with alkalines


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 11, 2006
Hi, I currently own a nuwai X-3, and I've noticed with alkalines the performance sucks horribly. After being used for a short while (maybe 30-40 minutes) if you shake the light it will flicker no matter how clean the contacts are, and after a few more minutes the light will strobe and then go out completely. When I test the batteries with a battery tester they are fine and will power other LED lights I have just fine - but I'm guessing they can no longer provide a very high current.

What I'm wondering is if the L2D-CE will have a similiar problem with alkalines. My X-3 has horrible performance and gives almost no warning before it goes out (kinda like what I've been hearing about the mag LED series). I'm going to order an L2D-CE soon and I'd very much like it if it has useable performance with alkalines.
No idea about your L2D-CE buy your X-3 will run for 1.5-1.75 hours on a set of freshly charged 2600mAh NiMH's and be nice and bright the whole time. It's well worth the price of a charger and four batteries if only for the tripling of run time.
Hi... I used to own an X-3 myself, until I lost it :(
Never really had any issues with it. Nice light with great throw for its size. When it strobes, I think it means it's going to die and the batteries need replacing.

Perhaps you should invest in NiMH rechargeables. The performance is great and saves money eventually considering the rate at which these lights eat batteries.

I've also got an L1D CE now. I've tried it with NiMH and e2 Lithium; both work great, but I haven't used alkaline for some time.
Mm I agree it's a nice light which is why I was upset with the performance with alkalines... I feel bad for you that you lost yours jc28841 since it really is nice :( I have some NiMH which I use with my digital camera (and a charger that came with it...) maybe I should invest in some eneloops and a nice charger... finding a nice charger is the difficult part I think! There is the stock eneloop charger but I'd rather have one that I can use with any cells with independent channels per battery. There are so many chargers on ebay...

I don't like the idea of high self discharge NiMH in a light which I want to be ready to use so it'll have to be eneloop. 1.5-1.75 hours of runtime sounds very useable so I think this will be the route to go, thanks!
I just bought two eight packs of Duracell 2600 mAh at Home Despot for 14.97/each but they only had two at my HD. I want to try my light with some of my older NiMH just to see how long it'll run. On the big rechargables I really like this light.
I also use the Duracell 2650 mAH rechargeables in my X3.

The reason the light strobes like that is because it doesn't have dimming stays constant up until the point that there isn't enough power left to run it. I kinda like it that way :)
Thanks for all the replies!

I'd personally prefer if it could drop down to a dimmer "moon mode" instead of strobing really fast myself though... I can imagine someone with epilepsy having a nasty accident when using this light :ohgeez:

Today I've been using a couple of the NiMH's from my digital camera (energizer 2500's) to see how it holds up - I spent over an hour cleaning out my computer as it was full of dust and the light was still shining just the same as when I started at the end! I did have breaks during that hour though (light was getting hot and dust is REALLY irritating!)

I think I'll probably just get some more NiMH and use them for this light and my L2D-CE when it arrives, and forget about alkalines...
zipplet said:
Thanks for all the replies!

I'd personally prefer if it could drop down to a dimmer "moon mode" instead of strobing really fast myself though... I can imagine someone with epilepsy having a nasty accident when using this light :ohgeez:

Today I've been using a couple of the NiMH's from my digital camera (energizer 2500's) to see how it holds up - I spent over an hour cleaning out my computer as it was full of dust and the light was still shining just the same as when I started at the end! I did have breaks during that hour though (light was getting hot and dust is REALLY irritating!)

I think I'll probably just get some more NiMH and use them for this light and my L2D-CE when it arrives, and forget about alkalines...

:rock: Smart move. Your wallet will thank you. All the more money to buy more lights :grin2:

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